Table of Contents
Message from the Chair
NEMLA Fall 2024 Meeting Summary
NEMLA Fall 2024 Business Meeting Minutes
Proposed By-laws Amendments
NEMLA Membership Renewal
Spring Meeting Save the Date
Noteworthy News
NEMLA Officers
Publication Information
Message from the Chair
Dear NEMLA members,
As I write this message, I know many of you are experiencing concerns and possibly some anxieties about the future of academic freedom, inquiry and thought, of freedom to read, and possibly other deep problems that academia and our country will face. I want to take this moment to pause, to take a deep breath, and to reflect on all that has been good and ongoing – and all that is working in our organization and that will continue into the future. We have a lot that we can be proud of as professional librarians, in helping our students succeed, helping our researchers and faculty achieve their goals, and in stewarding world class collections at our institutions. Professional organizations are a backbone of civil society, and I’m proud of being part of this one. Participation in such groups to exchange new ideas is an often unheralded but important marker of a democratic culture.
Over the summer, I have been very gratified that so many NEMLA members have answered the call of our organization and have stepped into roles to help it work smoothly. I want to thank all of you who have joined committees, volunteered to chair committees, and lead in officer positions! Thank you! Without you, the work that we do, which is important to our institutions and academic communities would not be possible.
We had an excellent Fall Meeting, and special thanks to Anne Adams and the Programming Committee: Emily Colucci, Sandi-Jo Malmon, Laura Stokes, and Carol Lubkowski. Thanks to the other presenters: Sonia Archer-Capuzzo, Andrea Cawelti , and Mark Bailey. In this newsletter you will find more details about the Fall Meeting.
As you know, there is currently a vote taking place on our NEMLA by-laws. I do not yet know the outcome of this vote but hope that it passes. This will help our organization work more efficiently, and more equitably. For all of you who have taken a moment to vote on the NEMLA by-laws, we appreciate your thoughtfulness and time.
In addition, I want to let you know that our new NEMLA Archivist, Jonathan Paul, and I have been working on ways to improve and sustain our online NEMLA archival materials, which are now held in a Google drive. We have already created a backup plan for the materials held in this drive. This Spring, we will be announcing some of the changes for uploading new NEMLA materials to the Google drive that we feel will improve ease of use and clarity for all NEMLA members. We will be improving and strengthening the guidelines for those members uploading reports and other materials that will be archived. If there is anyone who would like to take part in these discussions about the archive, we welcome more input. Please feel free to contact me to find out more details.
Judith Pinnolis
Associate Director, Instruction and Engagement
Berklee College of Music/The Boston Conservatory at Berklee
Boston, MA
NEMLA Fall 2024 Virtual Meeting Summary
The New England Music Library Association’s fall 2024 meeting was hosted virtually via Zoom, on Friday, October 18, 2024, with attendance fluctuating on average between twenty-four and thirty-five NEMLA members throughout the day. Anne Adams, the Senior Music Cataloger at the Loeb Music Library at Harvard University, NEMLA’s Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect and Program Committee Chair, graciously welcomed everyone to the meeting. She gave a brief overview of the day’s events and thanked the members of the Program Committee who all worked together to create an exciting program. Anne kindly introduced Judy Pinnolis, the Associate Director of Instruction and Engagement at Berklee College of Music/The Boston Conservatory at Berklee, as well as NEMLA’s 2024 – 2025 Chair, as the first presenter of the morning’s sessions revolving around obscure sound recordings collections housed within college/university libraries. Judy took us through a fascinating, historical journey through “Difficulties in Jewish Music Sound Recordings Collections.” Mark Bailey, the Head of Historical Sound Recordings at the Irving S. Gilmore Music Library and the Sterling Memorial Library at Yale University, continued the momentum by giving a riveting presentation on “Reviving the Romantic Era through Historical Sound Recordings.” At the conclusion of these two captivating sessions, Judy led a brief discussion regarding small but helpful proposed changes to the NEMLA By-laws, requesting the membership to vote. Details on the NEMLA By-laws discussion along with information on voting would be sent by Hannah Ferello, the Catalog & Serials Librarian at Blumenthal Family Library at the New England Conservatory and NEMLA’s current Secretary-Treasurer, further in this newsletter.
After lunch, the afternoon began with an opportunity for various committees (e.g. the Tech Services Committee, the Program Committee and the EDIJ Committee-–to list only a few), to come together via break-out rooms to discuss any updates, ongoing work, etc. The next presentation was an information session presented by Sonia Archer-Capuzzo, the Clinical Associate Professor at UNC-Greensboro Information, Library, and Research Sciences Department, and Chair of the Music Library Association’s Committee Management Team. Sonia spoke within an MLA volunteer recruitment capacity, about the newly improved volunteer process, relating to a more “transparent and inclusive” avenue for MLA members–-which encompasses NEMLA Chapter members–-to join and serve on committees and subcommittees in the near future (Archer-Capuzzo, 2024). Andrea Cawelti, the Ward Music Cataloger at Houghton Library, Harvard University next engaged the meeting’s attendees with her insightful and interactive presentation on how “AI Can Change Your Life (Can’t It?): Creating Rudimentary Sheet Music Finding Aids with ChatGPT.”
Carol Lubkowski, the Music Librarian at Wellesley College, enthusiastically led an informal listening party towards the end of the afternoon to let remaining attendees wind down for the day and have some additional fun. She encouraged attendees to provide spooky music links—as an homage to Halloween approaching in the coming weeks—in Zoom’s chat box, while she began playing through a pre-curated list of songs using YouTube Music, starting with “Scary Monsters (And Super Creeps)” by David Bowie.
Look forward to a highly anticipated exciting program to take place during NEMLA’s spring 2025 meeting in April, at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Please keep an eye out for a call for proposals and program details to come out in early 2025!
Summary respectfully submitted by Emily M. Colucci, NEMLA Member-At-Large & Library Assistant–Access Services at the George and Helen Ladd Library, Bates College.
NOTE: Videos and slides from the meeting presentations are available from the NEMLA website.
NEMLA Fall Business Meeting Notes
October 18, 2024
The proposed by-laws amendments were discussed briefly (see text below).
The amendment process outlined in the by-laws has been followed, as the proposed language was sent to the membership four weeks in advance of the discussion at the meeting.
Those present were reminded to renew their membership in order to vote and to vote so that we can meet quorum requirements.
Submitted by Hannah Ferello, NEMLA Secretary-Treasurer
Catalog and Serials Librarian, New England Conservatory
Proposed By-laws Amendments
New England chapter of the Music Library Association
(proposals as approved by the Executive Board on September 13, 2024)
The Executive Board of the New England chapter of the Music Library Association (NEMLA) respectfully proposes the following 5 amendments of the by-laws to the membership. Voting will take place by virtual ballot. The current NEMLA membership list as of November 1 received a ballot via email from the Secretary/Treasurer.
Please submit your ballot before 5 pm EDT on November 15, 2024.
These two amendments are in regards to the start of term for officers and committee chairs. By moving the start date to July 1, officers and committee chairs can expect consistent 12-month terms. Previous terms were inconsistent, as the date of the Spring meeting varies.
Article IV: Officers, section 9
Current language:
Terms of office shall commence immediately following the Spring meeting.
Amended language:
Terms of office shall commence on July 1st.
Article VIII.A: Committees, section 1
Current language:
The Standing Committees shall be the Nominating Committee, the Program Committee, the Instruction Committee, the Publications Committee, the Technical Services Committee, the Education & Outreach Committee, and the Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Justice (EDIJ) Committee. Except when otherwise specified, committee chairs and members may serve no more than two consecutive terms. Service as a member does not preclude subsequent service as chair for two additional terms. Members may be reappointed after being off a committee for one year.
Amended language:
The Standing Committees shall be the Nominating Committee, the Program Committee, the Instruction Committee, the Publications Committee, the Technical Services Committee, the Education & Outreach Committee, and the Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Justice (EDIJ) Committee. Except when otherwise specified, committee chairs and members may serve no more than two consecutive terms. The start of term for incoming committee chairs is July 1st. Service as a member does not preclude subsequent service as chair for two additional terms. Members may be reappointed after being off a committee for one year.
There is one amendment regarding the format of NEMLA meetings, allowing for meetings to be held virtually, in-person, and in hybrid settings.
Article VI: Meetings, section 1
Current language:
There shall be a minimum of two meetings a year.
Amended language: There shall be a minimum of two meetings a year. Meetings may be virtual, hybrid, or in-person.
There are two amendments regarding voting methods, allowing for flexibility in ballot distribution and collection as technologies evolve.
Article V: Elections, section 1
Current language:
Officers shall be elected by a plurality of the ballots cast. Ballots shall be distributed to members at least four weeks before the Spring business meeting. Ballots will be collected online and collated by the Secretary/Treasurer.
Amended language:
Officers shall be elected by a plurality of the ballots cast. Ballots shall be distributed to members at least four weeks before the Spring business meeting. Ballots shall be submitted to the Secretary/Treasurer as specified thereon.
Article XI: Amendments, section 3
Current language:
Ballots and texts as revised at the meeting shall be distributed to Chapter members in a timely manner, generally in the next issue of the chapter newsletter. Ballots will be collected online and collated by the Secretary/Treasurer.
Amended language:
Voting for changes to by-laws may take place by virtual ballot. Ballots and texts as revised at the meeting shall be distributed to Chapter members in a timely manner, generally in the next issue of the chapter newsletter. Ballots shall be submitted to the Secretary/Treasurer as specified thereon.
NEMLA Membership Renewal
Membership renewals are available on the MLA website. Please take a moment to renew if you have not already done so. Remember to select “NEMLA” as a category. If you have any questions about renewing your membership, please contact Hannah Ferello at hannah.ferello at necmusic.edu. Thank you!
Spring Meeting Save the Date!
The New England Music Library Association’s Spring 2025 meeting will take place April 11, 2025 at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, hosted by the Lewis Music Library, Avery Boddie, Department Head. A call for proposals and program details will be forthcoming in early 2025.
Anne Adams, Program Committee Chair, New England Music Library Association
Noteworthy News
24 Hour Performance of Drift/Loop in Olin Library

Starting at noon on Friday, November 1, in the Campbell Reading Room and the two balcony rooms overlooking it, Olin Library hosted the first 24-hour performance of DRIFT/LOOP, a collaborative project developed by Wesleyan Professor of Music Paula Matthusen and the Metropolis Ensemble. Aaron Bittel, Director of Wesleyan’s World Music Archives & Music Librarian, planned for the event for months along with Wesleyan’s Center for the Arts and the Music Department.
DRIFT/LOOP was designed to create an expansive space for sonic engagement and reflection, braiding three 40-hour LOOP scores with 32, 1-hour DRIFT scores, performed across the three library spaces. The scores were composed and performed by visiting artists, Wesleyan students and faculty, and community members.
Photographs by Aibek Baiymbetov ; video by Rani Arbo.
NEMLA Officers
Publication Information
New England Quarter Notes is published quarterly in the fall, winter, spring, and summer.
Back issues may be accessed from:
Address all correspondence concerning editorial matters to:
Jennifer Hadley
jthom at wesleyan.edu
Inquiries concerning subscription, membership and change of address should be directed to:
Hannah Ferello
hannah.ferello at necmusic.edu
Membership year runs July 1st to June 30th.
Regular Personal Membership:$12.00
Student and Retired Membership:$6.00
Institutional Membership$16.00
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