Message from the Chair
Updated NEMLA Bylaws
Spring Meeting Minutes
Fall Meeting Preview
Seeking Nominations
Noteworthy News
NEMLA Officers
Publication Information

Message from the Chair
Dear NEMLA members:
It is a pleasure to write my first newsletter column as the chair of NEMLA, and I have a lot of chapter news to share! I’d like to begin by thanking our outgoing Past Chair, Anna Kijas, for her many contributions to NEMLA during her time on the Board, and Jennifer Hunt, current Past Chair, for her able leadership during our 50th anniversary year. Many thanks are also due to Maria-Jane Loizou, Interim Member-at-Large, who took over the position from Sam Cook, and who has provided an excellent report on our spring meeting later in this issue. Our newly-elected officers are Zoe Rath, Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect, and Chris Schiff, Member-at-Large. Thanks and congratulations to all!
I’m sure everyone who attended our spring meeting at Brown University will join in my enthusiastic applause for all of our hosts at Brown, as well as our presenters and the members of the Program Committee: Laura Stokes, Maria Jane Loizou, and Ilana Revkin. Ned Quist’s band White Squall gave us a rollicking set to end the day, and it was perfectly timed, too: the first raindrops started to fall just as I left the reception.
We are very excited to debut our new website! The move to WordPress gives us more flexibility and better security; our web editor Jennifer Olson, with the help of Remi Castonguay, has been hard at work transferring content to the new platform. The site is still a work in progress, so look for more photos, news, and NEMLA information to be added in the days and weeks to come. We welcome your suggestions and feedback! Jennifer is stepping down as Web Editor after years of able service; I think the new website is a fitting legacy, and offer my thanks for everything she has done to make the transition smooth.
At its meeting in mid-July, the NEMLA Board discussed a number of chapter goals for the coming year:
First, we plan to convene an oral history committee to continue and expand the oral history project begun by Anna Kijas; we applied for and received a chapter grant from MLA to support our efforts. Our hope is that our oral histories will include a diverse sample of music and performing arts librarians: allowing us to document the history of the organization, our current membership, the variety of user communities we support, and our visions for the future of music librarianship. If you are interested in the project and would like to be part of the committee (or one of its interview subjects), please let Jennifer Hunt (jhunt at bostonconservatory dot edu) know.
MLA has asked all chapters to help achieve the following strategic goal:
Goal statement: Membership in MLA is valued by and beneficial to a broad range of organizations and individuals, and membership reflects the broad diversity of musics and populations we serve.
Objective 1: Increase outreach efforts to members from underrepresented groups.
Action: MLA establishes active outreach programs to library school programs, museums, performance librarians (not just orchestral), Schools and Departments of Music in universities, colleges, and community colleges.
At our spring business meeting, members brainstormed ways for NEMLA to contribute; a summary of their suggestions is posted online. The Board discussed these ideas, and agreed that we would begin by contacting organizations like MLA, the Music Library Students Group (MLSG), and ALA’s Office for Diversity to get further advice and best practices for long-term outreach. However, we will also begin by advertising our fall meeting more widely, encouraging presentations from public librarians about their programs and services, and piloting an initiative to pair first-time attendees with seasoned NEMLA members willing to serve as guides for the day, based on MLA’s First Time Conference Mentoring Program. Our efforts are still very new, and I invite you to look over the suggestions and provide feedback, as well.
Finally, we reviewed the roles of the Web Editor, Newsletter Editor, and Web 2.0 Coordinator. We decided that as the person responsible for most of our official communications, the Newsletter Editor should also take over responsibility for NEMLA’s social media accounts. Members of the Board have maintained our Twitter and Facebook accounts on a rotating schedule, but transferring control to one person will allow us to develop a more consistent voice. We’ve also split the duties of videography and meeting photography into multiple positions. Web developers and shutterbugs, this is your chance! Look for a call for volunteers later in the newsletter.
I’m looking forward to our fall meeting at the Boston Public Library on Friday, October 17th, 2014, and hope you are, too. Read on for more details about the meeting, and remember, it’s not too late to submit a presentation or program proposal!
I am looking forward to serving as NEMLA’s chair for the next year, and welcome your thoughts and suggestions for the chapter.
Respectfully submitted,
Kerry Carwile Masteller, Chair
Reference and Digital Program Librarian
Eda Kuhn Loeb Music Library, Harvard University
Updated NEMLA Bylaws
NEMLA, Spring 2014
Approved Bylaws Revisions
Music Library Association
New England Chapter Bylaws
Bylaws last amended October 6, 1979
Last revised March 28, 2014
Note: These revisions were formulated at the NEMLA Executive Board meeting in July 2013. They were discussed, voted on, and approved by the NEMLA membership following the spring 2014 membership business meeting (for the text highlighting revisions see the December 2013 issue of Quarter Notes). We reproduce here in full the new bylaws text with changes incorporated.
This organization shall be known as the New England Chapter of the Music Library Association.
The purpose of this Chapter shall be:
- To bring together for exchange of ideas and discussion of problems all persons in the region interested in music libraries and collections, and to stimulate professional activities among the members.
- To initiate and encourage studies aiming to improve the organization, administration, and contents of such libraries and collections.
- To endeavor to establish communication with libraries not affiliated with the Music Library Association to determine how the Chapter may be meaningful to the individual library.
- Outreach to public libraries and generalist librarians charged with music reference and collection development and music cataloging (detailed under Article VIII.A.)
- Membership in this Chapter shall be open to all members of the Music Library Association and persons and institutions interested in the activities and objectives of this chapter.
- Full membership is granted upon payment of annual dues to the Secretary/Treasurer.
- The membership year shall be from September 1 to August 31.
- Honorary membership will be extended to members who have received the Music Library Association Citation Award or have shown exceptional service at the chapter level.
- There shall be a Chair who shall preside at all meetings, appoint committees (see Article VIII for exception), and perform the duties customary to this office. The term of office shall be one year, after which the Chair shall succeed to the office of Past-Chair.
- There shall be a Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect who shall be responsible for programs and perform the duties of the Chair in the latter’s absence. The Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect shall also serve as an ex-officio member of the Education & Outreach Committee. The term of office shall be one year, after which the Vice-Chair shall succeed to the office of Chair.
- There shall be a Past-Chair who shall appoint and chair the Nominating Committee and perform other duties as necessary. The term of office shall be one year.
- There shall be a Secretary/Treasurer who shall record the minutes of all meetings and preserve all official records and reports of the Chapter; notify the members of all meetings at least two weeks in advance; keep an up-to-date membership list; conduct any correspondence of the Chapter as may be required; collect dues; make authorized expenditures; maintain Chapter accounts and report on status of these accounts at each board meeting; prepare an annual budget; and perform duties customary to this office. The term of office shall be two years.
- There shall be a Member-at-Large who shall act as liaison to relevant professional organizations in New England (such as the New England Library Association (NELA),the six state library associations, the New England chapter of ACRL (ACRL/NEC), and the New England chapter of the American Musicological Society) primarily to promote information exchange and outreach. The Member-at-Large shall also serve as Chair of the Education & Outreach Committee. The term of office shall be two years.
- The Board may appoint non-voting, special officers for a two year term of service renewable at the board’s discretion. Except when otherwise specified, special officers may serve no more than four consecutive years.
- A) All officers shall be members in good standing of the Chapter. B) The Chair and Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect shall be members of the national association.
- Terms of office shall commence immediately following the Spring meeting.
- No officer shall be eligible for more than two consecutive terms in the same office.
- Officers shall be elected by a plurality of the ballots cast. Ballots shall be distributed to members at least four weeks before the Spring business meeting. Ballots will be collected online and collated by the Secretary/Treasurer. A majority vote of the Executive Board shall break a tie.
- Should an elected office become vacant mid-term, the Chair, in combination with the Executive Board, will appoint a NEMLA member (preferably a previous officer) to fill the position until the next election.
- There shall be a minimum of two meetings a year.
- There shall be a business meeting in the Spring of each year.
- Meetings shall be called by the Executive Board with at least two weeks’ notice.
- A quorum shall consist of a majority of members present at any meeting.
- The Executive Board shall determine appropriate honoraria for guest presenters at the meetings; NEMLA members do not receive honoraria for presenting.
There shall be an Executive Board consisting of the elected officers, the Past-Chair, the Newsletter and Web site editors, and Web 2.0 coordinator. Only the elected officers and Past-Chair are voting members of the Executive Board.
- The Standing Committees shall be the Nominating Committee, the Program Committee, the Instruction Committee, the Publications Committee, the Technical Services Committee, and the Education & Outreach Committee. Except when otherwise specified, committee chairs and members may serve no more than two consecutive terms. Service as a member does not preclude subsequent service as chair for two additional terms. Members may be reappointed after being off a committee for one year.
- A) Nominating Committee
- The Nominating Committee shall consist of at least three members, appointed and chaired by the Past-Chair, and shall present to the Executive Board a slate of candidates for office at least six weeks before the Spring business meeting.
- Members of this Committee may not serve for consecutive terms.
- All candidates for office shall be members in good standing of the Chapter and shall fulfill all other eligibility requirements as set forth in Article IV.
- B) The Program Committee shall be chaired by the Vice-Chair and shall plan the meetings of the chapter. The committee shall consist of three additional members who are appointed by the Chair on a rotating basis, each serving a two year (i.e., four-meeting) term. The composition of the committee must reflect the interests of both technical and public services for both public and academic library sectors.
- C) The Publications Committee shall be appointed by the Chair and shall oversee all publications activities, including the Chapter newsletter, directory, wiki, and Web site.
- D) The Instruction Committee shall facilitate and promote the regional discussion of issues and standards related to information literacy in music librarianship, by:
- Serving as a networking tool to connect information literacy instructors, instruction designers, and instruction administrators at various institutions
- Hosting open discussions at NEMLA meetings, and assisting to enhance activities that touch upon information literacy issues which are provided by other NEMLA Committees.
- Assisting in the distribution of information, dissemination of guidelines, and sharing of individual resources (libguides, learning outcomes, webcasts, etc.) with/to interested institutions and individuals in New England, particularly to those individuals who are unable to attend national MLA meetings or are unaffiliated with NEMLA.
- Working with the NEMLA Program Committee to plan NEMLA sessions or programs.
- E) The Technical Services Committee shall facilitate and promote the regional discussion of issues and standards related to technical services in music librarianship, by:
- Serving as a conduit to connect those seeking technical services knowledge with appropriate local technical services experts.
- Hosting open discussions at NEMLA meetings, and assisting to enhance activities that touch upon technical services issues which are provided by other NEMLA Committees.
- Assisting in the dissemination of information and guidelines provided by the Music Library Association’s Bibliographic Control Committee to interested institutions and individuals in New England, particularly to those individuals who are unable to attend national MLA meetings or are unaffiliated with NEMLA.
- Working with the NEMLA Program Committee to plan NEMLA sessions or programs.
- F) The Education & Outreach Committee shall devise and coordinate activities related to professional and continuing education for music librarianship within the New England region, by:
- Working with the NEMLA Program Committee to plan NEMLA sessions or programs which generally deal with topics in greater depth or with a stronger emphasis on practicality than in the general sessions of the semi-annual meetings.
- Investigating, developing, and providing education initiatives to groups which fall outside of, but which are related to, NEMLA by presenting workshops on the basic precepts of music librarianship through the sponsorship of library schools or other regional library associations and councils. Target groups might include librarians and library staff working with music materials who are not members of NEMLA, and other groups not presently identified. The committee should determine how NEMLA’s mission can be promoted within the region through representation at regional library meetings (e.g. NELA, ACRL/NEC New England), career fairs (e.g. Simmons, Berklee College of Music), or state library association meetings in the regional meetings.
- Ensuring that NEMLA membership options are promoted at outreach events.
- The Education & Outreach Committee shall be chaired by the Member-at-Large. The Program Chair shall be ex-officio member of the committee. Additional committee members shall be appointed by the NEMLA Chair. Members should represent a broad spectrum of library professional staff from public, academic, and special libraries, from as many of the New England states as possible.
2. Other committees may be appointed by the Chair as deemed necessary.
- Definition: Roundtables are assemblies of members of the Chapter that convene at the Chapter’s semi-annual meetings to exchange ideas on topics not specifically addressed by the standing committees of the chapter. Each roundtable is led by a Coordinator appointed by the NEMLA Chair, in consultation with the Board. Coordinators shall be appointed for an initial term of two years, with the possibility of reappointment for no more than one succeeding term. Normally there are no other officers and no specified membership.
- Authorization: the NEMLA Chair may authorize the establishment of a roundtable for a term of four years after receiving letters of support from three members of the Chapter identifying a common area of concern. Renewal of the authorization for an additional four-year term requires two letters of support. The letters are due to the Chair by Aug. 31 of the year of expiration. Roundtable authorizations expire Dec. 31. A roundtable may be dissolved by the Chair if it appears that it no longer serves a need or that its work could be carried on more effectively by a committee of the Chapter. If a roundtable fails to have a minimum attendance of four participants for two consecutive years, that roundtable shall be retired.
- Activities: All roundtables hold two meetings a year convened by the Coordinator during the semi-annual meetings of the chapter. Roundtable meetings and other roundtable activities may be announced in the NEMLA newsletter and listed in the programs of the semi-annual meeting. Roundtables are encouraged to participate in developing programs for NEMLA meetings.
The rules contained in Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern this Chapter in all cases to which they are applicable.
In the event of the dissolution of the Chapter the records of its activities and its assets, if any, shall become the property of the national organization of the Music Library Association.
These By-Laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote according to the following procedures and conditions:
- Proposed amendments shall be submitted to the Executive Board for consideration at least eight weeks before the meeting of the Chapter at which it is requested that the proposal be presented.
- Upon approval by the Executive Board texts of the proposed amendments shall be distributed to Chapter members at least four weeks before presentation for discussion at the meeting.
- Ballots and texts as revised at the meeting shall be distributed to Chapter members in a timely manner, generally in the next issue of the chapter newsletter. Ballots will be collected online and collated by the Secretary/Treasurer.

Spring Meeting Minutes
The spring meeting of the New England Music Library Association (NEMLA) was held on Friday, March 28 at the Center for Digital Scholarship, Rockefeller Library, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island. The state-of-the-art space was filled to capacity with current and new NEMLA members. Jennifer Hunt opened the meeting by thanking Laura Stokes, Performing Arts Librarian at Brown University, NEMLA Program committee members and the many staff members from Brown for organizing the meeting. Following this, Jennifer turned the meeting over to Kerry Masteller. Kerry introduced Laura Stokes, who gave a warm welcome to participants and gave particulars about logistics. Ned Quist, Associate University Librarian for Research and Outreach Services and current member of NEMLA gave the opening remarks. He spoke to the current renovations and mission changes at Brown, noting that the “library is the intellectual hub of the University. We have changed from being a warehouse for books to a place where things are happening.”
After the greetings and announcements, Kerry introduced Jean Bauer, Digital Humanities Librarian, Brown University and Elli Mylonas, Senior Digital Humanities Librarian, Brown University to talk about OMEKA: Online Exhibits for Music Librarians. The Center for Digital Scholarship was an ideal space to accompany their talk, featuring 12 screens, 1 digital switcher, and over 12 HDMI plates. OMEKA is a content management system which allows the user to create an OMEKA site. These sites can integrate video and audio files, pdfs and urls, and are especially useful for small organizations without digital staff. After the morning session, library tours of the Orwig Music Library were offered by the music library staff, followed by lunch (off-site).

The spring meeting resumed after lunch with a short business meeting. Changes in the By-Laws were read through and accepted. Four new members attended. The results of the last election were announced. Chris Schiff is the new Member-at-Large, and Zoe Rath is the new Vice-Chair. We will need a new Web 2.0 coordinator, to replace Zoe. Erica Charis continues as the Newsletter Editor, as does Sarah Funke Donovan, Secretary-Treasurer, Sofia Becerra-Licha, Archivist, and Jennifer Olson, Webmaster. There are openings in the following committees: Nominating, Technical Services, Publications, Education and Outreach, and Program. There is also a possibility of forming an Oral History Committee. Sarah gave the Secretary-Treasurer’s Report. We have a surplus largely because of the unexpected generosity of the Boston Athenaeum, the host of our Fall 2013 meeting. We have 73 members in good standing. NEMLA has been asked by MLA to help with the MLA Strategic Plan as a chapter. In particular, they would like to increase membership from under-represented groups by establishing outreach programs to public libraries, museums, performance librarians, undergraduate and graduate musicology and library science students. Sofia made an announcement that the NEMLA archives are looking for a new home. They are approximately 15 linear feet. At the conclusion of the business meeting, the gavel passed from Jennifer Hunt to Kerry Masteller.
The afternoon session featured two fascinating presentations. Remi Castonguay, Public Services Project Librarian, Gilmore Music Library, Yale University and Francesca Livermore, Arts-Area Digital Librarian, Haas Family Arts Library, Yale University spoke on Preserving Unique Films in the Benny Goodman Collection, and Alec McLane, Music Librarian and Director of the World Music Archives, Wesleyan University spoke on The Music Never Stopped: The Grateful Dead at Wesleyan. More information, presentation content and video recordings of the presentations can be found on the new NEMLA website’s Virtual Archive page. Following the final presentation, a closing reception was given at the Ann Marie Brown Mausoleum with splendid music provided by White Squall, featuring our own Ned Quist, his wife Alice Pace and fiddler Andy Grover.
Respectfully submitted,
Maria Jane Loizou
Collection Management and Resource Sharing Librarian
New England Conservatory of Music
Past Member-at-Large, NEMLA

Fall Meeting Preview

Boston Public Library
Boston, MA
Friday, October 17th, 2014
Save the date—the fall 2014 NEMLA meeting will be held on Friday, October 17th at the Boston Public Library, Boston, Ma, in the Commonwealth Salon of the main library branch.
Established in 1848, by an act of the Great and General Court of Massachusetts, the Boston Public Library (BPL) was the first large free municipal library in the United States. Within its collection of 23 million items, the library boasts a wealth of rare books and manuscripts, maps, musical scores and prints.
The Central Library, which will host our meeting, includes the famous Sargent Gallery, with spectacular murals painted by John Singer Sargent. Also be sure to see the courtyard of the Central Library, which includes beautiful columns and a water fountain. Boston Public Library is itself a cultural masterpiece.
NEMLA participants will have the chance to tour the buildings on the day of the meeting. You will have a chance to sign up for a tour shortly.
Many of you are familiar with the many attractions of Boston. Instead of listing them here, I will point you to a very comprehensive list.
We encourage our members to join us on Thursday before the meeting for the members’ dinner, and this fall we have the added bonus of including a tour of the Boston Symphony Orchestra archives before dinner. Stay tuned: more details about this BSO tour and dinner details will be sent through NEMLA-L.
A big change this year is the board’s decision to increase the price of meeting registration slightly. The board is still committed to keeping meetings affordable for everyone, but also felt the need to adjust costs commensurate with inflation. The price increase also enables the board to allow pre-prepayment through Eventbrite, a service that will enable us to provide a more convenient registration process for our members.
Our special thanks goes to Boston Public Library staff, and especially to Emily Tokarczyk, Robert Cunningham, and Charlotte Kolczynski for help with local arrangements and hosting this meeting. The Program Committee for the meeting includes Laura Stokes, Anne Adams and Ilana Revkin. Travel information, program details, and logistics will follow. We all look forward to seeing you in Boston!
Seeking Nominations
NEMLA needs you! Serving in a NEMLA position is a rewarding opportunity to serve your chapter, work with your colleagues, and contribute to music librarianship, libraries and collections in New England. Currently, nominations are being sought for the following NEMLA positions:
- Web Editor
Maintain NEMLA website
Maintain NEMLA Google group
Maintain NEMLA Board Google group
Serves as an ex officio member on the NEMLA Board
- Media Specialist/photographer
Photograph/document NEMLA meetings
Work with website editor, newsletter editor, NEMLA board, and programming committee to update website as needed
- Videographer
Videotape meetings; edit and post video to wiki
Work with website editor, newsletter editor, NEMLA board, and programming committee to update website as needed
If you are interested in one of these positions, or if you have any questions, please contact me, Jennifer Hunt, at 617-912-9132 or jhunt at bostonconservatory dot edu. Nominations will be accepted through August 31.
Noteworthy News
“RDA and Public Services” posted to NEMLA Wiki
Members of NEMLA’s Technical Services Committee have summarized and augmented information from a session presented at MLA in March, with the aim of demystifying RDA for non-catalogers, and discussing changes in OPAC displays that result from RDA cataloging rules. The summary is available on NEMLA’s wiki, under “Useful Links and Documents,” as RDA and Public Services. (There is a beautifully formatted version on the wiki, which is currently unavailable, but the basic content has been reproduced at the link above. )
Maria Jane Loizou travelled to Russia in May with the Boston-based non-profit group, Educational Bridge. While there she met with music librarians from the St. Petersburg State Conservatory, and gave a talk on “The Libraries at the New England Conservatory of Music: Preserving Tradition and Looking to the Future” at the St. Petersburg Association of International Collaboration and the Izmailovsky Library and British Learning Centre of St. Petersburg. In Moscow, she met with the music librarians at the Moscow State University for Culture and the Arts, and gave a master class and a lecture, “The Remarkable Connee Boswell” to students in the Jazz and Popular Music department.

On Friday, July 11, BAML members and Berklee staff gathered to toast Gary Haggerty on his retirement from Berklee after 36 years. Michael Rogan hosted the celebration at his roof top deck and condo.
In June, Pat Fisken was recognized for 40 years of service in the Dartmouth College Libraries, starting as a cataloger in 1973 (AACR1!), then in Special Collections, and then as Music Librarian at Paddock Music Library.
Martin Schreiner’s composition Water Music was performed by the Duo Yumeno (koto and cello) for their concert tour of Japan this June and July. Performances included Music Fest Nara 2014 as well as concerts in Kyoto, Tokyo and Sakado.
NEMLA Officers
Kerry Carwile Masteller
Reference and Digital Program Librarian
Loeb Music Library Music Building,
North Yard Harvard University
Cambridge, MA 02138
kmastell at fas.harvard dot edu
Phone: (617) 495-2794
Zoe Rath
Reference Librarian ILL Service
Stan Getz Library
Berklee College of Music
1140 Boylston Street
Boston, MA 02215
zrath at berklee dot edu
Phone: 617-747-8143
Past Chair:
Jennifer Hunt Library Director,
Albert Alphin Library
The Boston Conservatory
8 The Fenway
Boston, MA 02215
jhunt at bostonconservatory dot edu
Phone: (617) 912-9132
Fax: (857) 207-3132
Sarah Funke Donovan
Digital Project Archivist
Boston Symphony Orchestra
301 Massachusetts Avenue
Boston, MA 02115
sdonovan at bso dot org
Christopher Schiff
Ladd Library Research Services
Bates College
2 Andrews Road
Lewiston, ME 04240
Phone: (207) 786-6274
Newsletter Editor:
Erica Charis
Outreach Librarian
Stan Getz Library B
erklee College of Music
1140 Boylston Street
Boston, MA 02115
echaris at berklee dot edu
Phone: (617) 747-8465
NEMLA Archivist:
Sofia Becerra-Licha
Stan Getz Library
Berklee College of Music
1140 Boylston Street
Boston, MA 02115
sbecerralicha at berklee dot edu
Phone: (617)747-8001
Web Page Editor:
Jennifer Olson
Technical Services
Librarian Archives Allen Library
University of Hartford
200 Bloomfield Avenue
West Hartford, CT 06117
jolson at hartford dot edu
Phone: (860) 768-4625
Fax: (860) 768-5295
Publication Information
New England Quarter Notes is published quarterly in September, December, March/April and June/July.
Back issues may be accessed from
Address all correspondence concerning editorial matters to:
Erica Charis
echaris at berklee dot edu
Inquiries concerning subscription, membership and change of address should be directed to:
Sarah Funke Donovan
sdonovan at bso dot org
Membership year runs September to August.
Regular Personal Membership:$12.00
Student and Retired Membership:$6.00
Institutional Membership$16.00
Return to the New England Music Library Association home page.