Category Archives: Newsletter


Message from the Chair
Spring 2016 Election Ballot
Spring 2016 Meeting Registration
Noteworthy News
NEMLA Officers
Publication Information

Message from the Chair

Dear NEMLA members,

It has been a pleasure working as your Vice Chair and Chair of NEMLA and working with the board for the past 6 years. I am proud of everything this organization has accomplished during this time and what it continues to accomplish. Some of our achievements include the smooth transition to our WordPress website and the excellent documentation of our meetings through our newsletter, website, video recording, and photos. There is also a growing commitment to preserving our past through our archives and through our NEMLA oral history project. I would note that we are still missing quite a few previous presentations, although our website currently includes many past presentations. If you are willing to add your presentation, please email your powerpoint or notes to Sarah Hunter and she will post them.

NEMLA dinner at MLA. Photo courtesy of Zoe Rath
NEMLA dinner at MLA. Photo courtesy of Zoe Rath

It was nice seeing so many of you at this past MLA conference in Cincinnati and later at the NEMLA Korean dinner at the Sung Korean Bistro. Over 24 of you attended and I have never heard so many compliments on a good restaurant choice! You can see additional photos of our delicious dinner on the NEMLA Facebook page.

This year the weather seems to need some meds to get rid of the mood swings! I’m sure all are looking forward to Spring and then to Summer. I hope to see many of you at our upcoming Spring meeting at Harvard. Thank you to our Vice Chair, Laura Stokes and the Program Committee (Anne Adams, Ilana Revkin,  and Jared Rex), together with our Harvard host Kerry Masteller for their hard  work arranging this meeting,  Thanks also to Sharon Saunders for putting the registration site up on Eventbrite. To see more details about this meeting please read: Spring Meeting at Harvard 2016

NEMLA dinner at MLA. Photo courtesy of Zoe Rath.
NEMLA dinner at MLA. Photo courtesy of Zoe Rath.

Before I end this letter, I want to remind you all to please take the time to vote for our new Vice-Chair / Chair-Elect and Member-at-Large. A big thank-you to Kerry Masteller (Past Chair) and to the Nominating Committee for recruiting our candidates, and to the members who have decided to run. Short bios of the candidates are included in this issue of the newsletter; look for a ballot in your email soon. If your membership has lapsed, remember to renew it in order to vote.

I’m looking forward to seeing many of you at our Spring Chapter meeting in June at Harvard.

Respectfully submitted,

Zoë Rath, NEMLA Chair
Reference Librarian
Stan Getz Library
Berklee College of Music

Spring 2016 Election Ballot

At 9 a.m. on Tuesday, April 26th, 2016, members in good standing will receive an email message inviting them to participate in the election of two new members to the NEMLA board. Our thanks go to all of the candidates standing for election, and to the Nominating Committee for their work assembling the election slate.

Candidate for Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect:

Jared Rex

Jared Rex has been the Music Librarian at College of the Holy Cross since August 2015. He hosted NEMLA’s Fall 2015 conference and currently serves on NEMLA’s Program Committee. Prior to his time at Holy Cross, Jared held various positions including Acting Librarian at the Nashville Symphony, Head Librarian of the American Academy of Conducting at Aspen, Library Fellow at New World Symphony, and Personal Librarian to conductor Michael Tilson Thomas. He has also worked in the music libraries at the Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra, University at Buffalo, and the Boston Conservatory. Jared attended Manhattan School of Music Pre-College and the Boston Conservatory, where he received a B.M. in Piano Performance. He also holds a M.L.S. and M.A. in Music Theory from University at Buffalo.

Candidates for Member-at-Large:

Liz Berndt-Morris

Liz Berndt-Morris has been the music curator at the Boston Public Library since January 2015.  Her position includes predominantly providing reference and developing and maintaining the music collection of the BPL. She was previously employed at Central Michigan University, where she was a music librarian for almost six years.  During that time she participated in reference, collection development, original cataloging, and teaching in both one-time class sessions and a 100-level course, “Introduction to Research and Libraries,” each semester. She also earned tenure and had an approved sabbatical before moving to Boston. During her time in the Midwest, she was active in the Midwest Chapter of MLA by chairing the Public Services Committee.

Andrea Cawelti

Andrea Cawelti is the Ward Music Cataloger at Houghton Library, Harvard University. A graduate of Oberlin (Greenwood Conservatory Prize) and The Juilliard School, she began her career as an operatic mezzo-soprano. The recipient of numerous prizes and awards, including winning the Met Competition, she has sung with the New York Philharmonic, the New York City Opera, and the Columbus Symphony, among others. Prior to Houghton, she worked at the Loeb Music Library at Harvard University, the Chicago Symphony Archives, and the New York Public Library Music Division. She completed her MSLIS at Drexel University in 2010.

Jonathan Manton

Jonathan Manton is Music Librarian for Access Services at the Gilmore Music Library at Yale University. His role oversees all aspects of access to Music Library collections, both physical and digital. Notable areas of concentration include circulation and course reserves, and all things digital, including digital projects and audio and video streaming access for media.

Before joining Yale in February 2016, Jonathan was Sound Archives Librarian at Stanford University’s Archive of Recorded Sound. There he principally worked on creating access to an archive of nearly half a million sound recordings through arrangement and description, outreach and public services, and digital project work. While at Stanford, Jonathan notably created digital access to numerous collections from the archive’s holdings for the first time.

Previous to his position at Stanford, Jonathan was based in Boston, MA from 2010-2012. During this time he served remotely as Technical Support Officer for the Britten Thematic Catalogue Project, a forthcoming online resource in development at the Britten-Pears Foundation in the United Kingdom that, once complete, will detail all of Benjamin Britten’s works online, both published and unpublished. He was also a member of NEMLA during this time. He served as Secretary/Treasurer in 2012 and was on the Technical Services Committee from 2011-2012.

Jonathan received his MSc in Information and Library Management from the School of Computing, Engineering, and Information Sciences at the University of Northumbria, UK and MMus in Electroacoustic Music and Sonic Arts from the University of East Anglia, UK. He has published articles in both Brio (International Association of Music Libraries, UK) and Notes (Music Library Association, USA) respectively.

Spring 2016 Meeting Registration

Registration is now open for the Spring 2016 NEMLA meeting!


The spring meeting will take place on June 3, 2016 at the Lamont Library at Harvard University, followed by a short musical program and a reception at Harvard’s Loeb Music Library.  We have an exciting program to offer: various special collections, the history of the Urtext, ethnomusicological adventures in Tunisia, and the E. M. Skinner organ project.  Our day will end with an opportunity to hear the vocal stylings of our very own Maria Jane Loizou!

Lamont Library, Harvard. Photo courtesy of Harvard College Libraries
Lamont Library, Harvard. Photo courtesy of Harvard College Libraries

We are still working on the exact timing of the program schedule (watch for updates!) but we will gather for coffee and light breakfast items at 9 a.m. in Lamont, with the opening remarks scheduled for 9:45 a.m.

Early Bird registration will be $16 for regular members and $8 for student and retired members. Please register by May 27, 2016 to receive the Early Bird rate. Registrations from May 28 through June 3 (including walk-ins) will be $18 and $9, respectively.

No catered lunch this time, but the lunch break on the schedule will offer an opportunity to enjoy one of Harvard Square’s many dining options.  Check out if you would like some ideas.


We have negotiated a conference rate of $199 per night (with tax, that’s $228.28—it’s Boston…) at the Holiday Inn Boston–Brookline at 1200 Beacon Street in Brookline.  If you are driving, you can also park there for $34/night.  Please make your reservation by June 2 to ensure this rate.

Reservation’s #: 855-813-9839

Booking Code: MLA

Booking Link: New England Music Library Association


Harvard’s transportation directions can be found at this page:  Regardless of your mode of transportation, we recommend the use of public transit into Harvard Square itself, since parking is extremely limited.

Loeb Music Library, Harvard. Photo courtesy of Kerry Masteller
Loeb Music Library, Harvard. Photo courtesy of Kerry Masteller

The Lamont Library website is found here:, with a link to a map showing its location.  The Loeb Music Library website is here:, with a map as well.  Please note that we will gather in Lamont in the morning.

First-Time Attendees

If this is your first NEMLA meeting, we welcome you to apply for our First-Time Attendees Program. This grant covers registration, lunch, and travel expenses; both current members and non-members are eligible, so long as they have not attended a meeting before. The deadline to apply for funding through this program is May 20, 2016.  Please apply here:  Please note that funding is regrettably not available for all first-time attendees, but we do strive to accommodate as many as we can on a first come, first served basis.

Thursday Evening Dinner

All attendees are warmly invited to a group dinner at 7 p.m. on Thursday, June 2, at Tanjore restaurant in Harvard Square.  If you are planning to come, please let Laura Stokes know by Tuesday, May 31 at the latest, so we can give the restaurant a headcount.

A huge, huge thank-you to Kerry Masteller, Sarah Adams, Marty Schreiner, Lynn Sayers, and the Harvard Library staff for hosting this meeting and contributing so much to the arrangements!

Noteworthy News

Marci Cohen, editedHolly Mockovak reports that Marci Cohen has joined Boston University as the Assistant Head of the Music Library, Mugar Memorial Library, replacing Sarah Hunter, who recently became BU’s Electronic Inventory Manager for the Libraries. Marci brings her knowledge of popular music, the music industry, and music journalism to the role, complementing the backgrounds of their staff. Within MLA, she’s currently the copyright web editor, a member of the Dena Epstein Award and Education Committees, and Coordinator of the Jazz and Popular Music Round Table. With co-author Grover Baker, her most recently published article is “Takin’ Care of Business: Music Business Reference” in Music Reference Services Quarterly 18/3-4 (2015), 157-163.

Sofia Becerra-Licha
Sofia Becerra-Licha

Sofía Becerra-Licha was accepted into the prestigious program: The Coalition to Advance Learning in Archives, Libraries and Museums. The Coalition began in 2013, and is supported by grants from the Institute of Museum and Library Services and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, with administration provided by OCLC.

The goal of the group is to work in deliberate coordination across organizational boundaries to devise and strengthen sustainable Continuing Education and Professional Development programs that will transform the library, archives, and museum workforce in ways that lead to measurable impact on our nation’s communities.

Amanda Axel
Amanda Axel

Amanda Axel joined Berklee College of Music as their Processing Archivist in April 2016. Prior to joining the Berklee staff, she served as Project Archivist for the Jonas Salk Papers at the University of California, San Diego, and Project Archivist at Northwestern University. A native of Illinois, Axel holds a Master’s of Library and Information Science degree from the University of Illinois and a joint BA in History and History of Science, Medicine, and Technology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

11428502_10152771722486467_2140359350294516533_nErica Charis, Assistant Director, Assessment Programs & Planning Learning Resources at Berklee, was a member of an international committee that recently published its findings. The edX Library Working Group on Intellectual Property Materials in MOOCs talked with libraries across the country about current practices and thoughts on best practices regarding class materials for “massively open online courses” like those available on edX and Coursera. Erica was involved in those initial screenings and then was asked to remain on the project to pull together a final report of best practices for IP in MOOCs and recommendations  for further research, from a multi-media perspective.  If you are interested, you can read the report at

One final note – check out this interesting Yale News article about the Oral History of American Music archive.

NEMLA Officers

Zoe Rath
Reference Librarian ILL Service
Stan Getz Library
Berklee College of Music
1140 Boylston Street
Boston, MA 02215
zrath at berklee dot edu
Phone: 617-747-8143

Laura Stokes
Performing Arts Librarian
Orwig Music Library
Brown University
Providence, RI 02912
laura_stokes at
Office: (401) 863-3999

Past Chair:
Kerry Carwile Masteller
Reference and Digital Program Librarian
Loeb Music Library
Music Building, North Yard
Harvard University
Cambridge, MA 02138
kmastell at
Office: (617) 495-2794
Fax: (617) 496-4636

Sharon Saunders
Bates College Library
48 Campus Ave
Lewiston, ME 04240
ssaunder at

Christopher Schiff
Ladd Library
Research Services
Bates College
2 Andrews Road
Lewiston, ME 04240
cschiff at
Office: (207) 786-6274

Newsletter Editor:
Maryalice Perrin-Mohr
Archivist/Records Manager
New England Conservatory
Spaulding Library
290 Huntington Ave.
Boston, MA 02115
m.perrin-mohr at
(617) 585-1252

NEMLA Archivist:
Sofia Becerra-Licha
Stan Getz Library
Berklee College of Music
1140 Boylston Street
Boston, MA 02215
sbecerralicha at
Office: (617)747-8001

Web Page Editor:
Sarah Hunter
Electronic Inventory Manager
Mugar Memorial Library
771 Commonwealth Ave.
Boston, MA 02215
shunter at
Office: (617)353-5810


NEMLA dinner at MLA. Photo courtesy of Zoe Rath
NEMLA dinner at MLA. Photo courtesy of Zoe Rath.

Publication Information

New England Quarter Notes is published quarterly in September, December, March/April and June/July.

Back issues may be accessed from:

Address all correspondence concerning editorial matters to:
Maryalice Perrin-Mohr
m.perrin-mohr at

Inquiries concerning subscription, membership and change of address should be directed to:
Sharon Saunders
ssaunder at

Membership year runs September to August.
Regular Personal Membership:$12.00
Student and Retired Membership:$6.00
Institutional Membership:$16.00
Return to the New England Music Library Association home page.







Message from the Chair
Secretary/Treasurer’s Report
Fall 2015 Meeting Minutes
Spring 2016 Meeting Preview
Call for Nominations
NEMLA Officers
Publication Information

Message from the Chair

Dear NEMLA members,

I am pleased to report that we had a very successful fall meeting at The College of the Holy Cross at which 48 of you attended!

A huge thank you to our generous hosts Alicia Hansen, Jared Rex, and Sarah Bilotta for planning and organizing the spaces for the NEMLA meeting. The pasta spread and the reception spread of cheese, dips, cider, beer, and wine were a huge hit! And Jared,
thank you in particular for the spectacular signage and for organizing the intimate concert in St. Joseph Memorial Chapel. The cellist Jan Müller-Szeraws was mesmerizing, and the De Falla duo with the student Anastasia Dulskiy was a sparkling and enjoyable end to the formal meeting program. If you missed any of the programs or want to review the last meeting, please look at our past meeting page to find links to program, videos, and photos. I would also like to say a big thanks to Laura Stokes (Vice Chair) and the Planning Committee: Anne Adams and Ilana Revkin for their tireless efforts planning this last meeting. I invite you to read Ilana’s wonderful recap of the fall meeting in this newsletter.

Besides being entertaining and interesting, it was also a very strategic meeting because our committees were able to meet and plan for the coming year. Our newest committee on Oral History was able to meet and Marci Cohen stepped forward to chair this committee. Over the next year Marci and other members from this committee will draft a formal charge and will propose how to spend the grant money which we received from MLA.

Are you thinking of presenting at the next meeting? You will have more time to prepare since this year our spring meeting will be held on Friday, June 3rd at the Lamont Library at Harvard University in Cambridge, MA. Why so much later in the year? We listened to
the member survey in which many of you said that a March meeting can be hard to attend due to inclement weather and MLA being only a few weeks earlier. We wish to thank our host, Kerry Masteller (Past Chair). Laura is providing a meeting preview in this issue and more details will be forthcoming.

I invite all NEMLA members to be more involved in the NEMLA organization and to consider running for one of the elected officers positions. Kerry as head of the Nominating Committee will give a detailed description in her article of the open positions for which we
are still seeking candidates. Thanks to Jared Rex for volunteering to serve on our program committee.

I hope to see many of you at the upcoming MLA meeting in Cincinnati and that you will join us for our NEMLA dinner (I will make an announcement about where and when in NEMLA-L closer to the meeting).

Best wishes for the holidays and New Year!

Zoe Rath

Photo by Erica Charis
Photo by Erica Charis

Secretary-Treasurer’s Report


Thanks to all who have renewed their memberships or have recently joined NEMLA. We currently have 51 active members! If the 23 people whose membership was paid through Aug. 31, 2015 renewed their memberships, we would have 74 active members! If you have any questions about the status of your membership, please e-mail me at

Meeting attendance

I heard great feedback about the meeting at the reception. We had 48 attendees. 2 of the 48 were first-time attendees; 2 were guest speakers (i.e., non-NEMLA speakers); 6 were Holy Cross staff. There were 3 others–not counted in the 48–that had pre-registered but were unable to attend.


Fall meeting income: $ 875.13
Fall meeting expenses: $ 1,180.26
First-time attendee expenses: $ 139.20

Checking account: $ 2006.57
Savings account: $ 4,004.73
Grant funds (Oral history): $ 480.50

Submitted by
Sharon Saunders
NEMLA Secretary-Treasurer

Fall Meeting 2015

Thursday NEMLA dinner at the Flying Rhino Cafe. Photo by Zoe Rath
Thursday NEMLA dinner at the Flying Rhino Cafe. Photo by Zoe Rath

The Fall 2015 NEMLA meeting took place on the bucolic campus of the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester.  Out-of-towners gathered for dinner at the Flying Rhino Cafe on Thursday night.  The meeting began Friday morning at the Rehm Library in Smith Hall.

Our first presenter, hosted by Marci Cohen of the Berklee College of Music, was Glenn McDonald, Data Alchemist at The Echo Nest (now owned by Spotify). His presentation, “New Approaches to Music as Information,” gave us a glimpse of his work organizing the vast array of music on Spotify in order to personalize the listener’s experience and discovery of music. This involves a visual mapping of 1,387 genres and counting. For more information about McDonald and his work, visit his blog as well as articles on Spotify Insights.

Next, Anna Kijas, Digital Scholarship Librarian at Boston College, shared her work on digitizing and encoding a 14th-century Franciscan Antiphoner, a collaboration between musicologist
Michael Noone and the Boston College University Libraries. In addition to displaying the images and recordings of the antiphoner, the project aims to encode the incipits, texts, and metadata using the Music Encoding Initiative (MEI) into the open source platform, Diva, as well as contribute to the CANTUS Database.  For more information, visit their project summary.

Photo by Erica Charis
Photo by Erica Charis

After a delicious catered lunch in the Browsing Room of the Dinand Library, followed by committee meetings and lightning rounds, Anne Adams, Music Cataloger at Harvard University Libraries and Hannah Spence, Catalog Librarian at NEC’s Firestone Library presented on behalf of the Technical Services Committee. Their presentation, “LCMPT and LCGFT Or, Look, Ma, no strings!”, provided an introduction to the Library of Congress Medium of Performance Thesaurus and the Library of Congress Genre/Form Terms that was aimed toward all librarians, not just catalogers. We learned that in contrast to LC subject headings which conflate all
aspects of a piece of music, medium of performance and genre terms parse them out in a way that is much clearer to musicians and researchers.

Photo by Erica Charis
Photo by Erica Charis

For the final presentation of the day, Lee Eiseman, President of the Harvard Musical Association, provided an overview of the HMA’s history and some examples of ephemera, scores, and recordings. Not actually under the purview of Harvard University, the HMA was
founded by Harvard alumni in 1837 to promote musical life in the Boston area through performances, publications, and the collection of music materials.

To round out the meeting, attendees were treated to a performance in the beautiful Brooks Concert Hall. Artist-in-Residence and coordinator of Holy Cross’s chamber music program, Jan
Müller-Szeraws, gave a stunning rendition of Osvaldo Golijov’s cello solo, Omaramor. He then treated us to Manuel De Falla’s Siete canciones populares españoles arranged for cello, accompanied by the talented freshman Anastasia Dulskiy. The performance was followed by a reception with appetizers and wine, held next to Holy Cross’s Fenwick Music Library, allowing attendees to explore the library for themselves.

Ilana Revkin
Program Committee

Performance in Brooks Concert Hall. Photo by Erica Charis
Performance in Brooks Concert Hall. Photo by Erica Charis

Spring Meeting Preview

Lamont Library, Harvard. Photo courtesy of Harvard College Libraries
Lamont Library, Harvard. Photo courtesy of Harvard College Libraries

Save the date! The spring meeting of the New England Music Library Association will take place on June 3, 2016, at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts. We will be meeting in the Forum Room of the Lamont Library, with a planned reception in the Loeb Music Library after the meeting.

Harvard University is the oldest institution of higher education in the United States, dating back to 1636. Lamont Library, which was the first library in the U.S. specifically designed for undergraduates, opened in 1949. It currently houses the undergraduate collections in the humanities and the social sciences. If you’d like a sneak peak, Lamont offers a virtual tour of their facility here.

The Eda Kuhn Loeb Music Library, located in the Music Building, includes the Isham Memorial Library and the Archive of World Music. It opened in 1956, uniting the music collections from Widener with the music department’s own collections.

Loeb Music Library, Harvard. Photo courtesy of Kerry Masteller
Loeb Music Library, Harvard. Photo courtesy of Kerry Masteller

We’re looking forward to an exciting, informative, and convivial day at Harvard and in Harvard Square. We would like to extend a special thank-you to Kerry Masteller and Sarah Adams for inviting us to
Harvard, and to Marty Schreiner and Lynn Sayers at Lamont for their assistance with space arrangements. NEMLA’s program committee includes Laura Stokes (chair), Anne Adams, Ilana Revkin,
and Jared Rex.

Call for Nominations

Serving as a NEMLA officer is a rewarding opportunity to serve your chapter, work with colleagues, and contribute to music librarianship, libraries and collections in New England. Nominations are being sought for the following positions, with elections to be held in May:

Vice Chair/Chair Elect (3-year term)

Member at Large (2-year term)


  • Performs the duties of the Chair in the latter’s absence.
  • Serves as Chair of the Program Committee.
  • Serves as an ex-officio member of the Education & Outreach Committee.
  • The term of office shall be one year, after which the Vice-Chair shall succeed to the office of Chair and then Past-Chair, requiring a commitment of three years.


  • Acts as liaison to relevant professional organizations in New England (such as the New England Library Association (NELA),the six state library associations, the New England chapter of ACRL (ACRL/NEC), and the New England chapter of the American Musicological Society), primarily to promote information
    exchange and outreach.
  • Serves as Chair of the Education & Outreach Committee.
  • The term of office shall be two years.

Terms of office begin immediately after the spring meeting. Officers must be in good standing and current with their dues. The Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect must also be a member of the national association.

Nominations are welcome through March 18, 2016.

If you would like to nominate a colleague for one of these positions (self-nominations are welcome) or if you have any questions, please contact any of the Nominating Committee members:

Kerry Masteller, Chair,
Patricia Fisken,
Alan Karass,
Maria Jane Loizou,

Photo courtesy of Erica Charis
Photo courtesy of Erica Charis

NEMLA Officers

Zoe Rath
Reference Librarian ILL Service
Stan Getz Library
Berklee College of Music
1140 Boylston Street
Boston, MA 02215
zrath at berklee dot edu
Phone: 617-747-8143

Laura Stokes
Performing Arts Librarian
Orwig Music Library
Brown University
Providence, RI 02912
laura_stokes at
Office: (401) 863-3999

Past Chair:
Kerry Carwile Masteller
Reference and Digital Program Librarian
Loeb Music Library
Music Building, North Yard
Harvard University
Cambridge, MA 02138
kmastell at
Office: (617) 495-2794
Fax: (617) 496-4636

Sharon Saunders
Bates College Library
48 Campus Ave
Lewiston, ME 04240
ssaunder at

Christopher Schiff
Ladd Library
Research Services
Bates College
2 Andrews Road
Lewiston, ME 04240
cschiff at
Office: (207) 786-6274

Newsletter Editor:
Maryalice Perrin-Mohr
Archivist/Records Manager
New England Conservatory
Spaulding Library
290 Huntington Ave.
Boston, MA 02115
m.perrin-mohr at
(617) 585-1252

NEMLA Archivist:
Sofia Becerra-Licha
Stan Getz Library
Berklee College of Music
1140 Boylston Street
Boston, MA 02215
sbecerralicha at
Office: (617)747-8001

Web Page Editor:
Sarah Hunter
Electronic Inventory Manager
Metadata Services Department
Boston University
771 Commonwealth Ave.
Boston, MA 02215
shunter at
Office: (617)353-5810

Photo by Erica Charis
Photo by Erica Charis


Publication Information

New England Quarter Notes is published quarterly in September, December, March/April and June/July.

Back issues may be accessed from:

Address all correspondence concerning editorial matters to:
Maryalice Perrin-Mohr
m.perrin-mohr at

Inquiries concerning subscription, membership and change of address should be directed to:
Sharon Saunders
ssaunder at

Membership year runs September to August.
Regular Personal Membership:$12.00
Student and Retired Membership:$6.00
Institutional Membership:$16.00
Return to the New England Music Library Association home page.


Message from the Chair
Secretary/Treasurer’s Report
Fall Meeting Registration
Noteworthy News

Seeking Nominations/Committee Members
NEMLA Officers
Publication Information


College of the Holy Cross
College of the Holy Cross

Message from the Chair


I hope you are managing the hustle and bustle of Fall semester and enjoying those last weeks of summer.

I am happy to announce that our fall meeting plans are well on their way thanks to the hard work of Laura Stokes, our Program Chair, and the Programming Committee. This year’s fall meeting will take place at the College of the Holy Cross on October 16th; please register by October 9th for early bird registration. This year’s fall meeting includes programs on topics such as open access, new approaches to music information, (Technical Services Committee) genre terms and music literacy. NEMLA members will also get a chance to meet with their committee, and new and current members are urged to join an existing committee. This will also be a chance for members interested in our Oral History to meet and discuss the creation of this committee (if you haven’t already, I encourage you to listen to our past oral history interviews).  At this summer’s board meeting we agreed that each committee should try over the next year to come up with a brief summary of goals and objectives that we can post on our website. Finally, to end our day, we have a concert and our closing reception. More details about this concert will be sent out soon, so please stay tuned!

I would also like to remind everyone that our chapter offers a First Time Attendees Program, which provides funding to cover lunch and travel expenses. Non-members, as well as new members, attending a meeting for the first time will be considered as recipients for this grant. I encourage you to invite interested library staff, librarians, or students considering librarianship as a profession, to apply for funding if it will help them attend this or future meetings.

If you’re looking for a roommate and/or to carpool to Worcester, please use this google doc. If you are coming down early or if Worcester isn’t too far out of your way, I hope to see you at our
Thursday NEMLA dinner.

Looking forward to seeing you at our fall NEMLA Meeting, Friday, October 16th,

Zoe Rath
Chair, NEMLA
Reference Librarian
Berklee College of Music

NEMLA Fall 2014
NEMLA Fall 2014 meeting; photo by Jennifer Hunt

Secretary/Treasurer Report

New members and membership renewals
Welcome to new members who have recently joined us. We hope you enjoy your first year with NEMLA and look forward to meeting you either virtually via Twitter, Facebook, or our Google Group mailing list, or in person at one of our upcoming meetings.

NEMLA’s membership year runs from Sept. 1st through Aug. 31st. Renewal e-mails were sent out to those whose memberships were expiring on Sept. 1, 2015 or had expired in previous years. If you have not yet renewed, everything you need to do so is on our membership page. If you have questions regarding your membership status, please e-mail me at

Your continued support of NEMLA is very much appreciated and ensures the chapter’s continued success!

Sharon Saunders
NEMLA Secretary-Treasurer
Bates College Library

Fall 2015 Meeting Registration

We are pleased to announce that registration is now open for the fall meeting of the New England Music Library Association!


The fall meeting of the New England Music Library Association will take place on October 16, 2015, at the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, Massachusetts, in the Rehm Library, Smith Hall, with an afternoon concert and reception in Brooks Concert Hall and the Fenwick Music Library.  We have an exciting program planned, including a music encoding project, updates on music vocabularies, the history of the Harvard Musical Association, and a concert featuring some of Holy Cross’s own outstanding performers.

Rehm Library, Smith Hall, College of the Holy Cross
Rehm Library, Smith Hall, College of the Holy Cross

The meeting program will be as follows:

All events take place in Rehm Library, Smith Hall unless otherwise noted.

9–10 a.m. Coffee and pastries [Foyer above Rehm Library]

10–10:15 a.m. Chair’s welcome

10:15–11 a.m.  Marci Cohen (Berklee College of Music) & Glenn McDonald (Data Alchemist, The Echo Nest), “New Approaches to Music as Information”

11–11:45 a.m.  Anna Kijas (Boston College) , “The Encoded Medieval Antiphoner: an Open Access Digital Source for Music and Liturgical Pedagogy and Scholarship”

11:45–1:15 p.m.  Lunch [Browsing Room in Dinand Library]

1:15–1:45 p.m. Committee meetings [Rehm Library]

1:45–2 p.m. General meeting reconvenes; committee lightning rounds

2–2:45 p.m.  NEMLA’s Technical Services Committee, “Medium of Performance and Genre Terms for Non-Catalogers: Look Ma, No Strings!”

2:45–3:20 p.m.  F. Lee Eiseman (Harvard Musical Association), “Special Collections—The Harvard Musical Association and the development of musical performance and literacy in Boston and America”

3:30–4 p.m.  Concert (Program: TBA) (Brooks Concert Hall)

4–5:30 p.m.  Reception (Foyer adjacent to Fenwick Music Library)

Brooks Concert Hall
Brooks Concert Hall, College of the Holy Cross

Early Bird Registration will be $16 for regular members and $8 for student and retired members. Please register by October 9, 2015 to receive the Early Bird rate. At-the-door registrations are $18 and $9, respectively.


Please note that registration includes the option of a catered lunch. Lunch options will include vegetarian and non-vegetarian items. All attendees are advised that dining options within walking distance of Holy Cross are quite limited, and so we strongly recommend either the catered lunch or planning to bring your own.  We will be eating in the Browsing Room in the Dinand Library. The cost will be $12; please register for the lunch by October 9, so we can give Holy Cross Catering an accurate headcount.

A block of rooms has been reserved at a conference rate of $114/night at the Comfort Inn in Auburn, Massachusetts, which is approximately a five-minute drive from the Holy Cross campus. The deadline for bookings at the NEMLA rate is September 30.  To register for the hotel, please call the Comfort Inn at (508) 832-8300 and mention the NEMLA hotel rate.

If you are traveling via public transportation, are staying in the hotel, and need additional assistance with transportation to and from Union Station to the Comfort Inn, please contact Jared Rex (jrex at or Laura Stokes (laura_stokes at as
soon as you have finalized your plans.

By car: Holy Cross is easily reached via I-90 (the Mass Pike) and I-290. From Rhode Island, RI-146/MA-146 will take you directly to Holy Cross. Please see the Directions to Hogan Campus Center webpage for more details.

The Holy Cross campus boasts ample parking, and since we are meeting during Fall Break, we project that the parking lots will not be crowded. Please park in the visitor lot near the Hogan Campus Center.

By train and bus: The MBTA Commuter Rail schedule for the Worcester Line is found here. Regional buses also arrive at Worcester’s Union Station at regular intervals. We have arranged a Holy Cross shuttle pickup timed for the MBTA train that arrives at
Worcester at 8:27 a.m., and another shuttle that will return to Union Station for the train that departs Worcester at 5:50 p.m. Please contact Laura Stokes or Jared Rex if you have additional needs. ***Please note that if the MBTA changes the commuter rail schedule
for fall, the shuttle time will be adjusted to reflect the change.***

First-Time Attendees
If this is your first NEMLA meeting, we welcome you to apply for our First-Time Attendees Program. This grant covers registration, lunch, and travel expenses; both current members and non-members are eligible, so long as they have not attended a meeting before. The deadline to apply for funding through this program is October 2, 2015.  Please apply here:

Thursday evening dinner
All attendees are warmly invited to a group dinner at 7 p.m. on Thursday, October 15, at the Flying Rhino Cafe. If you are planning to come, please let Laura Stokes know by Wednesday, October 14 at the latest, so we can give the restaurant a headcount.

A huge thank-you to Jared Rex, Alicia Hansen, and the College of the Holy Cross, for hosting this meeting and providing so much in the way of local arrangements.

Noteworthy News

Sarah HunterHolly Mockovak reports that the Boston University Library systems Metadata Services Department has been reorganized and Sarah Hunter is now Electronic Inventory Manager. Her division will oversee the maintenance of the library resource management systems knowledge base for serials and electronic resource collection sets. Sarah has been Assistant Head of the Music Library for 9 years, where her work with a wide variety of information formats and discovery systems prepared her for this promotion. She recently headed a review of the library’s serials workflow where (in the words of our Library Director) “her clearheaded analysis and practical suggestions demonstrated her mastery of our complex technical systems.” Congratulations, Sarah, and thank goodness you remain only one floor away.

brett headshot1aHolly also reports that Brett Kostrzewski is the BU Music Library’s new Evening and Weekend Instructional and Reserves Coordinator replacing Kate Stringer who has moved to a new position in BU’s Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Collections. Brett is a trained choral conductor moving into part-time doctoral studies in musicology and he is already leveraging his motto, “in your
library” and his background to shape some wonderful outreach and hands-on sessions.


After two rain outs, the Ramler Park Summer Sunset Concert for 2015 took place on August 24th. NEMLA member Maria Jane Loizou and her band played everything from Jazz standards to Piaf songs in front of an appreciative audience in the Fenway.



Seeking Nominations / New Committee Members:

As of September 2015, the NEMLA board seeks new members for the following committees:

Publications Committee
Sarah Hunter, chair (shunter at

Instruction Committee
Carol Lubkowski, chair (lubkowski at

Education and Outreach Committee
Chris Schiff, chair (cschiff at

Program Committee
Laura Stokes, chair (laura_stokes at

Nominating Committee
Kerry Masteller, chair (kmastell at

Please email the committee chairs if you are interested in joining! In addition NEMLA continues to look into creating an Oral History Committee. NEMLA received funding from MLA to create an oral history, and while we have two members interested in being on this committee, we still need someone willing to chair it. If interested, please email Chris Schiff (chris schiff at

NEMLA Fall 2014
NEMLA Fall 2014 meeting; photo by Jennifer Hunt

NEMLA Officers

Zoe Rath
Reference Librarian ILL Service
Stan Getz Library
Berklee College of Music
1140 Boylston Street
Boston, MA 02215
zrath at berklee dot edu
Phone: 617-747-8143

Laura Stokes
Performing Arts Librarian
Orwig Music Library
Brown University
Providence, RI 02912
laura_stokes at
Office: (401) 863-3999

Past Chair:
Kerry Carwile Masteller
Reference and Digital Program Librarian
Loeb Music Library
Music Building, North Yard
Harvard University
Cambridge, MA 02138
kmastell at
Office: (617) 495-2794
Fax: (617) 496-4636

Sharon Saunders
Bates College Library
48 Campus Ave
Lewiston, ME 04240
ssaunder at

Christopher Schiff
Ladd Library
Research Services
Bates College
2 Andrews Road
Lewiston, ME 04240
cschiff at
Office: (207) 786-6274

Newsletter Editor:
Maryalice Perrin-Mohr
Archivist/Records Manager
New England Conservatory
Spaulding Library
33 Gainsborough St.
Boston, MA 02115
m.perrin-mohr at
(617) 585-1252

NEMLA Archivist:
Sofia Becerra-Licha
Stan Getz Library
Berklee College of Music
1140 Boylston Street
Boston, MA 02215
sbecerralicha at
Office: (617)747-8001

Web Page Editor:
Sarah Hunter
Electronic Inventory Manager
Metadata Services Department
Boston University
771 Commonwealth Ave.
Boston, MA 02215
shunter at
Office: (617)353-5810

Dinand Library, College of the Holy Cross, at sunset
Dinand Library, College of the Holy Cross, at sunset

Publication Information

New England Quarter Notes is published quarterly in September, December, March/April and June/July. Back issues may be accessed from:
Address all correspondence concerning editorial matters to:
Maryalice Perrin-Mohr (m.perrin-mohr at

Inquiries concerning subscription, membership and change of address should be directed to:
Sharon Saunders (ssaunder at

Membership year runs September to August.
Regular Personal Membership:$12.00
Student and Retired Membership:$6.00
Institutional Membership$16.00

Return to the New England Music Library Association home page.


Message from the Chair
Updated NEMLA By-Laws
Spring 2015 Meeting Minutes
Fall 2015 Meeting Preview
Seeking Nominations
Noteworthy News
NEMLA Officers
Publication Information


photo by Erica Charis


Message from the Chair:

Dear NEMLA members,

It is a pleasure to greet you as the new Chair of NEMLA!

I would like to start by thanking Jennifer Hunt, our outgoing Past Chair, and Kerry Carwile  Masteller, for her leadership and service as Chair this past year. I am grateful that Kerry will remain on board another year in the Past Chair position. I would also like to thank our outgoing officers, and welcome Laura Stokes our newly-elected Vice-Chair and Program Chair, who is working hard on our Fall NEMLA meeting at the College of Holy Cross planned for Friday, October 16th.

Please join me in thanking Sarah Funke Donovan, our outgoing Secretary/Treasurer, and Erica Charis our outgoing Newsletter Editor, for their service to NEMLA. I would like to congratulate
and welcome our new officers: Sharon Saunders, Secretary/Treasurer and Maryalice Perrin-Mohr, Newsletter Editor/Social Media specialist. You can see a complete list of current NEMLA Officers on our website.

This past March we had a very informative and engaging Spring meeting on a host of topics at Smith College.  Many thanks to Marlene Wong, not only for hosting but also putting together
such a interactive morning session on ukulele history and publishing, and for including a brief lesson with the Ukulele Meister, Stuart Fuchs, a.k.a. “Stukulele.”  The afternoon sessions on saving analog sound formats and on the composer Eugenie Göring were also fascinating to watch. Christopher Schiff, our Member at Large, will give a more detailed account of this meeting in this newsletter.

For those who missed the Spring meeting or who would like to review any of these sessions, please see Brendan Higgins’s video recording, 2015 NEMLA Spring Meeting. You can also see a great selection of photos from the meeting taken by Erica Charis, our NEMLA photographer.  Finally, last but not least I would like to thank the Program Committee, including Ilana Revkin, Anne Adams and Laura Stokes, for such a well-planned meeting.

The NEMLA board met in June and discussed a range of topics such as our recent survey, suggestions for updating the website, and ways to engage our members in current committees, as well as how to attract new members to the board. Speaking of membership: are you interested in being more involved with NEMLA? We have several committees:

  • Publications Committee
  • Instruction Committee
  • Education and Outreach
  • Technical Services
  • Nominating Committee
  • Program Committee

Many of these committees need new members! Please email Kerry at kmastell at fas. harvard dot edu with your interests, and she will direct you to committees with openings.

I hope to see you at our Fall meeting at the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester. I will repeat this reminder in September newsletter; please let your library staff and interns know that first time
attendees are free, and that financial assistance is available for travel and lunch through the First Time Attendees Program if needed.

I am looking forward to serving you in the coming year and hope you will all feel free to send me your thoughts and vision for NEMLA. I look forward to seeing many of you in Worcester!

Zoë Rath
NEMLA, Chair
Reference Librarian
Stan Getz Library
Berklee College of Music

Photo by Erica Charis
Photo by Erica Charis

Updated NEMLA Bylaws

NEMLA, Spring 2015
Approved Bylaws Revisions
Music Library Association, New England Chapter Bylaws
Bylaws last amended October 6, 1979
Last revised March 20, 2015
Note: These revisions were formulated at the NEMLA Executive Board meeting in July 2014. They were discussed, voted on, and approved by the NEMLA membership following the spring 2015 membership business meeting (for the text highlighting revisions see the December 2014 issue of Quarter Notes). We reproduce here in full the new bylaws text with changes incorporated.


This organization shall be known as the New England Chapter of the Music Library Association.

The purpose of this Chapter shall be:

  • To bring together for exchange of ideas and discussion of problems all persons in the region interested in music libraries and collections, and to stimulate professional activities among the members.
  • To initiate and encourage studies aiming to improve the organization, administration, and contents of such libraries and collections.
  • To endeavor to establish communication with libraries not affiliated with the Music Library Association to determine how the Chapter may be meaningful to the individual library.
  • Outreach to public libraries and generalist librarians charged with music reference and collection development and music cataloging (detailed under Article VIII.A.)


  • Membership in this Chapter shall be open to all members of the Music Library Association and persons and institutions interested in the activities and objectives of this chapter.
  • Full membership is granted upon payment of annual dues to the Secretary/Treasurer.
  • The membership year shall be from September 1 to August 31.
  • Honorary membership will be extended to members who have received the Music Library Association Citation Award or have shown exceptional service at the chapter level.


  • There shall be a Chair who shall preside at all meetings, appoint committees (see Article VIII for exception), and perform the duties customary to this office. The term of office shall be one year, after which the Chair shall succeed to the office of Past-Chair.
  • There shall be a Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect who shall be responsible for programs and perform the duties of the Chair in the latter’s absence. The Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect shall also serve as an ex-
    officio member of the Education & Outreach Committee. The term of office shall be one year,  after which the Vice-Chair shall succeed to the office of Chair.
  • There shall be a Past-Chair who shall appoint and chair the Nominating Committee and perform other duties as necessary. The term of office shall be one year.
  • There shall be a Secretary/Treasurer who shall record the minutes of all meetings and preserve all official records and reports of the Chapter; notify the members of all meetings at least two weeks in advance; keep an up-to-date membership list; conduct any correspondence of the Chapter as may be required; collect dues; make authorized expenditures; maintain Chapter accounts and report on status of these accounts at each board meeting; prepare an annual budget; and perform duties customary to this office. The term of office shall be two years.
  • There shall be a Member-at-Large who shall act as liaison to relevant professional organizations in New England (such as the New England Library Association (NELA),the six state library
    associations, the New England chapter of ACRL (ACRL/NEC), and the New England chapter of the American Musicological Society) primarily to promote information exchange and outreach. The Member-at-Large shall also serve as Chair of the Education & Outreach Committee. The term of office shall be two years.
  • The Board may appoint non-voting, special officers for a two year term of service renewable at the board’s discretion. Except when otherwise specified, special officers may serve no more than
    four consecutive years.
  • A) All officers shall be members in good standing of the Chapter. B) The Chair and Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect shall be members of the national association.
  • Terms of office shall commence immediately following the Spring meeting.
  • No officer shall be eligible for more than two consecutive terms in the same office.


  • Officers shall be elected by a plurality of the ballots cast. Ballots shall be distributed to members at least four weeks before the Spring business meeting. Ballots will be collected online and
    collated by the Secretary/Treasurer. A majority vote of the Executive Board shall break a tie.
  • Should an office become vacant mid-term, the Chair, in combination with the Executive Board, will appoint a NEMLA member to fill the position until the next election.


  • There shall be a minimum of two meetings a year.
  • There shall be a business meeting in the Spring of each year.
  • Meetings shall be called by the Executive Board with at least two weeks’ notice.
  • A quorum shall consist of a majority of members present at any meeting.
  • The Executive Board shall determine appropriate honoraria for guest presenters at the meetings; NEMLA members do not receive honoraria for presenting.


There shall be an Executive Board consisting of the elected officers, the Past-Chair, the Archivist, and the Newsletter and Web site editors. Only the elected officers and Past-Chair are voting members of the Executive Board.


  • The Standing Committees shall be the Nominating Committee, the Program Committee, the Instruction Committee, the Publications Committee, the Technical Services Committee, and the Education & Outreach Committee. Except when otherwise specified, committee chairs and members may serve no more than two consecutive terms. Service as a member does not preclude subsequent service as chair for two additional terms. Members may be reappointed after being off a committee for one year.
  • A) Nominating Committee
    • The Nominating Committee shall consist of at least three members, appointed and chaired by the Past-Chair, and shall present to the Executive Board a slate of candidates for office at least six weeks before the Spring business meeting
    • Members of this Committee may not serve for consecutive terms.
    • All candidates for office shall be members in good standing of the Chapter and shall fulfill all other eligibility requirements as set forth in Article IV.
  • B) The Program Committee shall be chaired by the Vice-Chair and shall plan the meetings of the chapter. The committee shall consist of three additional members who are appointed by the Chair on a rotating basis, each serving a two year (i.e., four-meeting) term. The composition of the committee must reflect the interests of both technical and public services for both public and academic library sectors.
  • C) The Publications Committee shall be appointed by the Chair and shall oversee all publications activities, including the Chapter newsletter, directory, and Web sites.
  • D) The Instruction Committee shall facilitate and promote the regional discussion of issues and standards related to information literacy in music librarianship, by:
    • Serving as a networking tool to connect information literacy instructors, instruction designers, and instruction administrators at various institutions.
    • Hosting open discussions at NEMLA meetings, and assisting to enhance activities that touch upon information literacy issues which are provided by other NEMLA Committees.
    • Assisting in the distribution of information, dissemination of guidelines, and sharing of individual resources (libguides, learning outcomes, webcasts, etc.) with/to interested institutions and individuals in New England, particularly to those individuals who are unable to attend national MLA meetings or are unaffiliated with NEMLA.
    • Working with the NEMLA Program Committee to plan NEMLA sessions or programs.
  • E). The Technical Services Committee shall facilitate and promote the regional discussion of issues and standards related to technical services in music librarianship, by:
    • Serving as a conduit to connect those seeking technical services knowledge with appropriate local technical services experts.
    • Hosting open discussions at NEMLA meetings, and assisting to enhance activities that touch upon technical services issues which are provided by other NEMLA Committees.
    • Assisting in the dissemination of information and guidelines provided by the Music Library Association’s Bibliographic Control Committee to interested institutions and individuals in New England, particularly to those individuals who are unable to attend national MLA meetings or are unaffiliated with NEMLA.
    • Working with the NEMLA Program Committee to plan NEMLA sessions or programs.
  • F) The Education & Outreach Committee shall devise and coordinate activities related to professional and continuing education for music librarianship within the New England
    region, by:

    • Working with the NEMLA Program Committee to plan NEMLA sessions or programs which generally deal with topics in greater depth or with a stronger emphasis on practicality than in the general sessions of the semi-annual meetings.
    • Investigating, developing, and providing education initiatives to groups which fall outside of, but which are related to, NEMLA by presenting workshops on the basic precepts of music librarianship through the sponsorship of library schools
      or other regional library associations and councils. Target groups might include librarians and library staff working with music materials who are not members of NEMLA, and other groups not presently identified. The committee should
      determine how NEMLA’s mission can be promoted within the region through representation at regional library meetings (e.g. NELA, ACRL/NEC New England), career fairs (e.g. Simmons, Berklee College of Music), or state library
      association meetings in the regional meetings.
    • Ensuring that NEMLA membership options are promoted at outreach events.
    • The Education & Outreach Committee shall be chaired by the Member-at-Large. The Program Chair shall be ex-officio member of the committee. Additional committee members shall be appointed by the NEMLA Chair. Members should represent a broad spectrum of library professional staff from public, academic, and special libraries, from as many of the New England states as possible.

2. Other committees may be appointed by the Chair as deemed necessary.


      • Definition: Roundtables are assemblies of members of the Chapter that convene at the Chapter’s semi-annual meetings to exchange ideas on topics not specifically addressed by the standing committees of the chapter. Each roundtable is led by a Coordinator appointed by the NEMLA Chair, in consultation with the Board. Coordinators shall be appointed for an initial term of two years, with the possibility of reappointment for no more than one succeeding term. Normally there are no other officers and no specified membership.
      • Authorization: the NEMLA Chair may authorize the establishment of a roundtable for a term of four years after receiving letters of support from three members of the Chapter identifying a common area of concern. Renewal of the authorization for an additional four-year term requires
        two letters of support. The letters are due to the Chair by Aug. 31 of the year of expiration. Roundtable authorizations expire Dec. 31.  A roundtable may be dissolved by the Chair if it appears that it no longer serves a need or that its work could be carried on more effectively by a committee of the Chapter. If a roundtable fails to have a minimum attendance of four participants for two consecutive years, that roundtable shall be retired.

Activities: All roundtables hold two meetings a year convened by the Coordinator during the semi-annual meetings of the chapter. Roundtable meetings and other roundtable activities may be announced in the NEMLA newsletter and listed in the programs of the semi-annual meeting. Roundtables are encouraged to participate in developing programs for NEMLA meetings


The rules contained in Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern this Chapter in all cases to which they are applicable.


In the event of the dissolution of the Chapter the records of its activities and its assets, if any, shall become the property of the national organization of the Music Library Association.


  • Proposed amendments shall be submitted to the Executive Board for consideration at least eight weeks before the meeting of the Chapter at which it is requested that the proposal be presented.
  • Upon approval by the Executive Board texts of the proposed amendments shall be distributed to Chapter members at least four weeks before presentation for discussion at the meeting.
  • Ballots and texts as revised at the meeting shall be distributed to Chapter members in a timely manner, generally in the next issue of the chapter newsletter. Ballots will be collected online and collated by the Secretary/Treasurer.
photo by Erica Charis
photo by Erica Charis

Spring 2015 Meeting Minutes

The Spring 2015 NEMLA Meeting convened in at Smith College on Friday, March 20th. Though the meeting convened less than 10 hours before the vernal equinox, intrepid attendees were treated to one last reminder of the seemingly endless New England Winter. Still, amidst the flurries, sunny music and warm camaraderie reigned.

After greetings from NEMLA’s Chair Kerry Masteller, our host Marlene Wong, and the Director of Smith College Libraries, Christopher Loring, we took a turn toward Jiminy Cricket and George Harrison. The morning session concentrated on the “Third Wave” of ukulele popularity in the United States. A panel discussion on the current state of the ukulele featured “Jumpin’” Jim and Liz Beloff of Fleamarket Music, NEMLA’s Marlene Wong, Downtown Sounds music store proprietor and ukulele club leader Joe Blumenthal, Faith Kaufmann of Northampton’s Forbes Library, and ukulele virtuoso Stuart Fuchs. The ensemble covered every imaginable angle on the instrument – economics, sociology, history, and how to play. Blumenthal spoke of sales of the eminently affordable instrument as a populist moment in music. For as little as $50, a budding uke enthusiast can get started with the instrument – or so can a library on a tight budget! That is how Faith Kaufmann started the ukulele (now extended to other portable instruments) lending program at Forbes Library. The experiment led Marlene Wong to start her own uke lending program at Smith, and both the public and academic programs are thriving.

Photo by Erica Charis
Photo by Erica Charis

Leading us through the history of the increasingly popular instrument were “Jumpin’” Jim and Liz Beloff of Fleamarket Music. The Beloffs keyed their history first to their extensive collection of ukulele sheet music from the early twentieth century, giving a nod to Cliff “Ukulele Ike” Edwards whose ukulele inflected version of Singin’ in the Rain was a hit in 1929 and whose voice was immortalized as Jiminy Cricket in Disney’s Pinocchio. Following the short-lived, Arthur Godfrey inspired, “second wave” of ukulele popularity in the 1950s, current, “third wave,” interest in the instrument owes much to the publications of the Beloffs themselves. Their many compilations of uke music have provided instruction and song books and ukulele tabs for the modern repertoire, making new converts to the instrument and inspiring some of the biggest names in popular music — among them Eddie Vedder (Jumpin’ Jim played a significant role in his Ukulele Songbook) and the Beatles’ George Harrison.

Our morning session ended with a demonstration of virtuoso ukulele and a lesson from Stuart Fuchs, who spoke of his ukulele-centered music therapy practice. Fuchs’ facility and control of the instrument was evident as was his range of styles: everything from the comic which is so frequently associated with ukuleles to an impromptu snippet of Bach. The combined ukulele collections of the two libraries (augmented with instruments from Downtown Sounds) were distributed amongst attendees in an excellent demonstration of how quickly one can learn the basics and start making music. In addition to NEMLA’s crop of excellent string players, the ensemble was filled-out by ringers from Northampton’s AEIOUkes.

The NEMLA business meeting was conducted over lunch. Changes to the by-laws were approved which are intended to make it easier to replace officers who cannot fill out their terms and unelected
committee chairs. Board election results were announced, with Laura Stokes of Brown University becoming our new Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect, and Sharon Saunders our new Treasurer. The meeting ended with the transfer of the Chair’s gavel from Kerry Masteller to our new chair Zoe Rath.

Photo by Erica Charis
Photo by Erica Charis

The afternoon session started with “The Day the Music Didn’t Die: Saving MIT’s Analog Music Recordings.” MIT’s Peter Munstedt opened with a scenario familiar to many in the room: years of concern for (but inaction on) digitizing the library’s collection of recital and performance recordings. To jump start the project a donor was found and the Digital Audio Music Project (DAMP) was born. Munstedt emphasized that a project such as this must be a team effort. Although he indicated that he had had this on his to-do list for decades, it became part of a larger emphasis on MIT digital collections, and that allowed for the right environment to foster the project.

Enter Tricia Patterson, MIT’s National Digital Stewardship Resident. She discussed the FileMaker Pro database that was developed to inventory the collection. Cate Gallivan, the project assistant hired to
perform the inventory, discussed the importance of documenting the workflow(s), responsibilities, and processes to make the material accessible and to preserve it into the future. One huge takeaway from this session is: a well-designed project is almost certainly going to be complex. The fact that MIT is documenting this complexity in all its intricacy will, one hopes, benefit many other institutions. This is a work in process that will bear revisiting in the future.

The final presentation of the day was by Alice Abraham and concerned her research on the composer Eugenie Göring. The complex story that Alice unfolded – part archival research, part genealogy, and part mystery – mirrors the complexity of Göring’s times. A woman composer of considerable abilities, Göring’s musical manuscripts were found abandoned in a barn in Windsor, VT. Some of the mysteries surrounding her come right out of a thriller. Was she related to Herman Göring? Could she have been a German spy? Or was she a lesbian trying to live her life in freedom and seclusion?

Photo by Erica Charis
Alice Abraham; Photo by Erica Charis

Among the pieces of evidence pointing to the latter possibility is a piano solo cryptically titled “Amazonen Kampf” (Struggle of the Amazons). This was one of the manuscripts magnificently performed by well-known pianist and lecturer Virginia Eskin, whose realization of Göring’s piano music was enthusiastically received by the attendees.

For a fuller understanding of this story, please see Alice’s publication in The Kapralova Society Journal:

The day ended with tours of the Werner Josten Library, and a sumptuous reception. In addition, several attendees snuck off to the last day of the Smith Bulb Show and were transported for ever so brief a time into Monet’s garden. If you ever have a chance to see the bulb show, by all means take the opportunity. It was a perfect way to end the conference.

Respectfully submitted,
Christopher Schiff
Member-at Large

Fall 2015 Meeting Preview

Rehm Library, College of the Holy Cross
Rehm Library, College of the Holy Cross

College of the Holy Cross

Worcester, MA
Friday, October 16, 2015

Save the date! The Fall 2015 NEMLA meeting will be held on Friday, October 16, 2015, at the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, MA.

The College of the Holy Cross was founded in 1843. A leading liberal arts college with roughly 2,900 students, it offers a wide-ranging undergraduate curriculum in the Jesuit tradition. The campus spans
174 acres atop of Mount St. James in Worcester, and has won numerous awards for landscaping and architecture.

More details about the presentations, hotel arrangements, and the catered lunch that will be available will be coming out on the NEMLA-L listserv shortly.  We would love to see everyone at the member dinner on Thursday evening before the meeting. Stay tuned for more information through the listserv, and email Laura Stokes (laura_stokes at if you have any questions.

Special thanks to Alicia Hansen, who is serving as the main contact and host for Holy Cross, to Alan Karass for facilitating many aspects of the arrangements, and to the program committee, which includes
Anne Adams and Ilana Revkin.

Photo by Erica Charis
Liza Vick and Rebecca McCallum; Photo by Erica Charis

Seeking Nominations / New Committee Members:

As of July 2015, the NEMLA board seeks new members for the following committees:

Publications Committee
Sarah Hunter, chair (shunter at

Instruction Committee
Carol Lubkowski, chair (lubkowski at

Education and Outreach Committee
Chris Schiff, chair (cschiff at

Program Committee
Laura Stokes, chair (laura_stokes at

Nominating Committee
Kerry Masteller, chair (kmastell at

Please email the committee chairs if you are interested in joining!

In addition NEMLA continues to look into creating an Oral History Committee.  NEMLA received funding from MLA to create an oral history, and while we have two members interested in being on this committee, we still need someone willing to chair it.  If interested, please email chris schiff at

Noteworthy News

Joe Scott.medJoe Scott will retire from my position as Music Catalog / Metadata Librarian at the University of Connecticut effective July 1, 2015. Joe has served the Music Library and its collections in that capacity since December of 1976.

Without his “day job”, Joe’s choral singing schedule will be a lot more manageable as he is a member of the Vernon Chorale (CT)), the Eastern Connecticut Symphony Chorus (New London), the Immanuel Congregational Church Choir (Hartford), in addition to his own church choir. In addition to singing, Joe plans to look into family genealogy, study the WWII period of American history – hoping to learn about his dad’s service during the war, and maybe seeing more of the country by attending national ACDA conferences and NCAA Women’s Basketball Final Four tournaments.

Erica Charis
Erica Charis

Erica Charis is Berklee College of Music’s new Assistant Director of Assessment Programs & Planning for Learning Resources, starting June 1, 2015. Erica has held various positions at the Stan Getz Library at the Berklee College of Music over the past eight years, starting as a paraprofessional while she was still studying toward her MLS at Simmons. She is an active member of Music Library Association (MLA), the New England Music Library Association (NEMLA), the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL), and New England Library Instruction Group (NELIG).

Erica also has a performing background, completing her BFA in Vocal Performance at York University in Toronto and performing occasionally in Boston after graduation. When not giving away library branded kazoos and running theremin trivia contests, she can often be found at creative writing workshops or poetry festivals or on the saddle of her beloved touring bicycle, Bonnie.

Newly renovated Paddock Music Library
Newly renovated Paddock Music Library

Paddock Music Library at Dartmouth College opened as a small departmental library when the Hopkins Center for the Performing Arts opened in 1962. It became a branch of the Dartmouth College Libraries in 1975, and relocated to a new expanded facility within the Hopkins Center in 1986.

Students working in Paddock Music Library
Students working in Paddock Music Library

Just this year Dartmouth completed a renovation of some of the public, non-stacks areas of the music library. Students and faculty are happy with the results, and we all look forward to a possible further expansion and relocation in the future when the Hopkins Center is expanded and renovated in its entirety.



Zoe Rath and Kerry Masteller; photo by Erica Charis
Zoe Rath and Kerry Masteller; photo by Erica Charis

NEMLA Officers

Zoe Rath
Reference Librarian ILL Service
Stan Getz Library
Berklee College of Music
1140 Boylston Street
Boston, MA 02215
zrath at berklee dot edu
Phone: 617-747-8143

Laura Stokes
Performing Arts Librarian
Orwig Music Library
Brown University
Providence, RI 02912
laura_stokes at
Office: (401) 863-3999

Past Chair:
Kerry Carwile Masteller
Reference and Digital Program Librarian
Loeb Music Library
Music Building, North Yard
Harvard University
Cambridge, MA 02138
kmastell at
Office: (617) 495-2794
Fax: (617) 496-4636

Sharon Saunders
Bates College Library
48 Campus Ave
Lewiston, ME 04240
ssaunder at

Christopher Schiff
Ladd Library
Research Services
Bates College
2 Andrews Road
Lewiston, ME 04240
cschiff at
Office: (207) 786-6274

Newsletter Editor:
Maryalice Perrin-Mohr
Archivist/Records Manager
New England Conservatory
Spaulding Library
33 Gainsborough St.
Boston, MA 02115
m.perrin-mohr at
(617) 585-1252

NEMLA Archivist:
Sofia Becerra-Licha
Stan Getz Library
Berklee College of Music
1140 Boylston Street
Boston, MA 02215
sbecerralicha at
Office: (617)747-8001

Web Page Editor:
Sarah Hunter
Assistant Head
Music Library
Boston University
771 Commonwealth Ave.
Boston, MA 02215
shunter at
Office: (617)353-5810

Photo by Erica Charis
Photo by Erica Charis

Publication Information

New England Quarter Notes is published quarterly in September, December, March/April and June/July.

Back issues may be accessed from:

Address all correspondence concerning editorial matters to:
Maryalice Perrin-Mohr
m.perrin-mohr at

Inquiries concerning subscription, membership and change of address should be directed to:
Sharon Saunders
ssaunder at

Membership year runs September to August.
Regular Personal Membership:$12.00
Student and Retired Membership:$6.00
Institutional Membership$16.00

Return to the New England Music Library Association home page.


Free Fun Summer Events in New England



Art Sites New Haven
online guide and map to public art

Elm Shakespeare Company
Twelfth Night, August 20 – September 6th
Edgerton Park, New Haven, CT

New Haven Jazz Festival, celebrating Women in Jazz
August 22
New Haven, CT

Norfolk Chamber Music Festival
June 21-August 22
Norfolk, CT
Free concerts on Thursday evenings and Saturday mornings

Yale Arts Calendar
includes free as well as fee-based arts events, exhibitions, etc.


Free Shakespeare on the Common
King Lear, July 22 – August 9

Berklee Summer in the City
200 free performances throughout the Greater Boston area from May through September.

Concerts in the Courtyard
Boston Public Library
June 3 – August 28

Summer Concert Series
Ramler Park in the West Fens
130 Peterborough St. (across from the Star Market parking lot),
**August 4, 2015- Tuesday 6:30 PM (rain date Aug 11, Tue.)
Concert with Maria Jane Loizou and Gabe Alfieri vocals from around the globe on your block

Jamaica Plain Porchfest
July 11th, 12pm-6pm
Jamaica Plain, MA


Atlantic Music Festival [public concerts are free]
July 10-31
Colby College, Waterville, ME

Maine Celtic Celebration
July 17-19, Belfast Waterfront

Maine Stage Shakespeare
July 10 to August 22

American Folk Festival
August 28-30
Bangor Waterfront

Bates Dance Festival
July 1-August 8
Bates College, Lewiston, ME

Bowdoin International Music Festival
June 27-August 8
Bowdoin College, Brunswick, ME
In the Square Events
Regularly Scheduled Events
yoga, art, films and more
Summer, Portland, Maine


Battery Park Concerts
All performances are on Thursday evenings beginning at 6:30. Enjoy live music at Burlington’s Battery Park while taking in breathtaking views of Lake Champlain and The Adirondacks!

The Lake Champlain Maritime Festival
Festival at Burlington’s Waterfront Park August 6-9

More: Music and Outdoor Festivals


Apple Hill Sunday Concerts
Five (June 21-Aug. 25) Sunday evenings at 7:30 pm, hosted by Apple Hill Director, Lenny Matczynski. Come and experience the essence of how we make music.
Nelson, NH

Theatre Under the Stars
6pm Thursday, July 2nd-Aug. 6th
Plymouth, NH

Summer: Music and Performing Art Festivals
New Hampshire


2015 WaterFire Providence Event Schedule

Bristol Fourth of July concert series
(In spite of the name, it seems to be running June 20-July 3.)
Free, donations encouraged

Music on Main Stroll
July 23, East Greenwich


Message from the Chair
Spring Election Ballot

Spring Meeting 2015 at Smith College, Northampton, MA

Noteworthy News
NEMLA Officers
Publication Information


photo by WorldLillie
photo by WorldLillie

Message from the Chair

Dear NEMLA members:

Happy New Year! I hope this message finds you well, and that the winter storms of the last few weeks haven’t caused too much havoc. I haven’t snowshoed or skied to work yet, but it’s been tempting.

Mark your MLA schedule now: as is traditional, we’ll be meeting for a convivial, lively, even raucous Chapter dinner during the conference. We’ve made reservations at the Rio Grande Mexican Restaurant for Thursday, February 26th at 7:00. The restaurant is a short walk (~.3 mile) from the conference hotel; keep an eye on the message bulletin board at MLA for exact details of when and where to meet. So that we can give the restaurant an accurate head count, please RSVP by Wednesday, February 18th if you’re planning to attend.

Many New England librarians are presenting at MLA, including Sarah J. Adams, Elizabeth Berndt Morris, Remi Castonguay, Kristin Heider, Beth Iseminger, Francesca Livermore, Suzanne Lovejoy, Peter Munstedt, Chris Schiff, Liza Vick, and Marlene Wong. If you have the chance, I hope you’ll be able to attend their presentations. Best of luck to all of our presenters!

Whether or not you’re able to attend MLA, I hope to see you at our spring meeting, on Friday, March 20, 2015 at Smith College in Northampton, MA. Zoë Rath, the program committee (Anne Adams, Ilana Revkin, and Laura Stokes), and our site host Marlene Wong have put together a fantastic program; my thanks go to all of them, and to our presenters. I’m looking forward to a day spent learning more about analog audio preservation, the career of composer Eugenie Göring, and the intersections between library outreach and music-making, plus a bonus ukulele lesson! More information about the program and meeting logistics is posted below. If you have a bit more time to spend in Northampton and are dreaming of spring – and after 40(ish) inches of snow in a week, I’m more than ready for an end to winter – you may also want to pay a visit to the Botanic Garden of Smith College, where the highlight will be their annual spring bulb show.

During the spring business meeting, we’ll discuss and vote on proposed changes to the NEMLA bylaws to clarify officer responsibilities and correct a few minor details. The revisions are included again in this issue of the newsletter for your review; thanks to everyone who has already sent thoughtful commentary in response.
Finally, we have an accomplished slate of members running for election to Chapter offices. My thanks go to Jennifer Hunt and the Nominating Committee for recruiting our candidates, and to the members who’ve decided to run. Short bios of the candidates are included in this issue of the newsletter; look for a ballot in your email soon. If your membership has lapsed, remember to renew it in order to vote.

I’m looking forward to seeing many of you in the next few weeks, either at MLA or our spring Chapter meeting.

Respectfully submitted,

Kerry Carwile Masteller, Chair
Reference and Digital Program Librarian
Eda Kuhn Loeb Music Library, Harvard University

Spring Election Ballot

At 9 a.m. on Friday, February 20th, 2015, members in good standing will receive an email message inviting them to participate in the election of two new members to the NEMLA board.

Candidates for Vice-Chair/Chair Elect:

Marci Cohen

Marci Cohen has been a reference librarian at Berklee College of Music since 2010. Her duties include reference, collection development, library instruction and student employee subversion. As a NEMLA member, she has served on the program committee (2009-2011) and education & outreach committee (2010-2012) and worked on the design and administration of volunteer/internship placement service survey (2011-2012). She presented on the Stooges at the Fall 2014 NEMLA meeting. She earned her B.S. from the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania, her M.L.S. from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and her M.A. in music from Tufts University. Earlier in her career, she planned educational events for the Philadelphia Association of Paralegals and Northbrook (IL) Public Library staff.

Laura Stokes

Laura Stokes has been Performing Arts Librarian and head of the Orwig Music Library at Brown University since February 2012. She received a B.A. in music from Carleton College, a Masters of Science in Information from the University of Michigan, and an M.A. in musicology from Indiana University, and she is completing a Ph.D in musicology at Indiana University. Laura currently serves on NEMLA’s Program Committee and as an Assistant Editor for MLA’s journal Notes. Before arriving at Brown, Laura taught music history and research skills classes for the musicology department at Indiana University and worked for the Variations Project at the Cook Music Library at Indiana University. Prior to IU, she held positions at Northeastern University, the University of Michigan, and JSTOR.

Candidate for Secretary/Treasurer:

Sharon Saunders

Sharon Saunders is Associate College Librarian for Systems and Bibliographic Services at Bates College. She moved from a position as Music and Art Reference Librarian at Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh into the Non-Book Catalog Librarian position at Bates in 1990. She has previously served NEMLA as the Cataloging Discussion Group Leader (1994-1995) and as Secretary/Treasurer (1995-1999). She was an organ major at Carnegie-Mellon and continues to play weekly church services and occasional recitals.

Spring Bulb Festival, Smith College
Spring Bulb Festival, Smith College

Spring Meeting 2015 at Smith College, Northampton, MA

NEMLA Spring Meeting
Smith College
Northampton, MA
Friday, March 20, 2015


Advance registration is now open for the spring meeting of the New England chapter of the Music Library Association (NEMLA). The meeting will take place at Smith College, Northampton, MA, on Friday, March 20th, 2015. If you plan to join us, please complete and submit the registration form by Friday, March 13th, 2015. Please be advised that lunch options will be limited at this meeting. Please feel free to bring your own lunch, but there is also the option to purchase a catered lunch in advance.

If this is your first NEMLA meeting, please also be sure to apply for funding by Friday, March 13, 2015 from our NEMLA First Time Attendees Program. Please note that funding is regrettably not available for all first-time attendees, but we do strive to accommodate as many as we can on a first come, first served basis.

For program details, travel and lodging information, and speaker bios, please see the Upcoming Meetings section of the NEMLA website.

Noteworthy News

Rare sheet music digitalization project, Greer Music Library

The Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation has awarded Connecticut College $14,000 to digitize a collection of rare sheet music from the 1800s through the early 1900s. Once preserved, the collection will be made fully accessible through open access, which will encourage multidisciplinary collaboration both at Connecticut College and at other colleges and universities. The project will provide access to a varied collection of sheet music that includes popular and art songs, Civil War-era songs, piano music, and much more. Digitization of this material invites the opportunity for research beyond the printed notes via the cover art and advertisements, and through the thematic material represented in the lyrics. We are most grateful to the Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation for making this exciting project possible.

Submitted by Carolyn A. Johnson, Music Librarian, Greer Music Library, Connecticut College, New London, CT

Lecture demonstration at New England Conservatory, March 24

Maria Jane Loizou is preparing a lecture demonstration of “The Songs of the Paris Café ( 1848-1920)” for a Liberal Arts class at New England Conservatory on March 24, 2015. The mini-recital will feature songs from Les Chansonniers de Montmartre of Aristide Bruant, Chansons sans Gêne of Léon Xanrof (Fourneau), well as representative songs by the Paris-trained Puerto Rican composer F. P. Cortés, Georges Auric, and Erik Satie.

Submitted byMaria Jane Loizou, Collection Management Librarian, Spaulding Library, New England Conservatory, Boston, MA


Heather Reid
Heather Reid

Heather Reid, is the new Dean for Library and Learning Resources, at Berklee College of Music.

Heather has held leadership positions in the for-profit and not-for-profit sectors spanning educational publishing, content delivery, and rights management. For the past nine years, she served as Senior Director of Data Services for the Copyright Clearance Center in Danvers, MA. She is presently Chair of the Board of Directors for the National Information Standards Organization.

Heather was previously the Director of Database Services at EBSCO Publishing and also worked at Harvard University for several years in a variety of positions, including as Director of Information Technology, during which she oversaw planning, development, and support for Harvard’s library systems and worked with faculty and educational technology colleagues from across the university to develop tools and systems to support teaching and learning.

She received a Master of Arts in Library Science degree and a Master of Arts degree in Philosophy from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, as well as a Bachelor of Arts degree in music (voice and composition) from Queen’s University of Belfast, Northern Ireland.


Kristen Heider
Kristen Heider

Kristen Heider is the new Assistant Music Cataloger at Berklee College of Music. Most recently, she worked as the Music and Digital Resources Cataloging/Metadata Specialist at Southern Methodist University. She has a BA in Vocal/Bass Trombone Performance from Gustavus Adolphus College and a MLS from Indiana University with a specialization in music librarianship. When she isn’t cataloging, she keeps busy by knitting, singing, and acting — just not all at once. She is looking forward to co-presenting The Paraprofessional MLS: [Making the Best of] Hiring, Engaging, and Retaining Professionals in Paraprofessional Positions with Michelle Hahn and Sara Outhier at the upcoming MLA conference in Denver.


Alan Karass
Alan Karass

Alan Karass has been appointed as NEC’s new Director of Libraries,
starting Monday, 2 February 2015. For the past 20 years, Alan has served as Head of the Music Library at the College of the Holy Cross, and as a lecturer in their Music Department since 2004. He was also the librarian for the college’s Rehm Library, the primary public space for the institution’s Center for Religion, Ethics, and Culture. He is an active member of Music Library Association (MLA), the New England Music Library Association (NEMLA), Boston-area Music Libraries (BAML), the American Library Association (ALA), and the International Association of Music Libraries, Archives, and Documentation Centres (IAML).

Alan also has a performing background, actively playing as a clarinetist and saxophonist while an undergraduate at Clark University. He discovered a love for early music in graduate school, resulting in an MA in Historical Musicology from the University of Connecticut. He is a founding member of FloraMusica, a recorder and early music ensemble and past President of the American Recorder Society. Alan earned an MS in Library and Information Science from Simmons College (even having a class with our own Jean Morrow), and is just completing a PhD In Ethnomusicology, specializing in music from Tunisia.


Anna Kijas
Anna Kijas

Anna Kijas is the Senior Digital Scholarship Librarian at the Boston College Libraries. She received her master’s degrees in library and information science from Simmons College and in music from Tufts University. Her main areas of research include music criticism and reception studies of women musicians during the 19th through early 20th centuries. Kijas has presented and written about open access publishing, the application of digital tools in research, and has several forthcoming publications about Venezuelan pianist, Teresa Carreño, as well as a digital project, Documenting Teresa Carreño. She is currently the coordinator of the Music Library Association’s Digital Humanities Round Table, most recently served on the editorial board of DiRT, and as committee chair for the Walter Gerboth Award.

NEMLA Officers

Kerry Carwile Masteller
Reference and Digital Program Librarian
Loeb Music Library Music Building,
North Yard Harvard University
Cambridge, MA 02138
kmastell at fas.harvard dot edu
Phone: (617) 495-2794

Zoe Rath
Reference Librarian ILL Service
Stan Getz Library
Berklee College of Music
1140 Boylston Street
Boston, MA 02215
zrath at berklee dot edu
Phone: 617-747-8143

Past Chair:
Jennifer Hunt Library Director,
Albert Alphin Library
The Boston Conservatory
8 The Fenway
Boston, MA 02215
jhunt at bostonconservatory dot edu
Phone: (617) 912-9132
Fax: (857) 207-3132

Sarah Funke Donovan
Digital Project Archivist
Boston Symphony Orchestra
301 Massachusetts Avenue
Boston, MA 02115
sdonovan at bso dot org

Christopher Schiff
Ladd Library Research Services
Bates College
2 Andrews Road
Lewiston, ME 04240
Phone: (207) 786-6274

Newsletter Editor:
Erica Charis
Outreach Librarian
Stan Getz Library B
erklee College of Music
1140 Boylston Street
Boston, MA 02115
echaris at berklee dot edu
Phone: (617) 747-8465

NEMLA Archivist:
Sofia Becerra-Licha
Stan Getz Library
Berklee College of Music
1140 Boylston Street
Boston, MA 02115
sbecerralicha at berklee dot edu
Phone: (617)747-8001

Web Page Editor:
Jennifer Olson
Technical Services
Librarian Archives Allen Library
University of Hartford
200 Bloomfield Avenue
West Hartford, CT 06117
jolson at hartford dot edu
Phone: (860) 768-4625
Fax: (860) 768-5295

Publication Information

New England Quarter Notes is published quarterly in September, December, March/April and June/July.
Back issues may be accessed from

Address all correspondence concerning editorial matters to:
Erica Charis
echaris at berklee dot edu

Inquiries concerning subscription, membership and change of address should be directed to:
Sarah Funke Donovan
sdonovan at bso dot org

Membership year runs September to August.
Regular Personal Membership:$12.00
Student and Retired Membership:$6.00
Institutional Membership$16.00

Return to the New England Music Library Association home page.


Message from the Chair
Secretary/Treasurer’s Report

Proposed By-Law Revisions
Fall Meeting 2014
Spring Meeting 2015 Preview
Call for Nominations

NEMLA Officers
Publication Information


photo by Celia Marsh
photo by Celia Marsh

Message from the Chair

Dear NEMLA members:

It was wonderful to see so many of you at our fall meeting in October. My thanks go to everyone at the Boston Public Library who helped make the day so enjoyable, especially NEMLA members Robert Cunningham and Charlotte Kolczynski, who shared some of the musical treasures of the Boston Public Library’s collections and led attendees on delightful tours of the library’s magnificent public spaces and gave us a peek behind the scenes. The program committee – chair Zoë Rath and members Anne Adams, Ilana Revkin, and Laura Stokes – put together a fantastic and varied program, and all of the presenters and panelists left me with more to think about and with ideas for my own library. Read on in this issue for a summary of the meeting and the presentations, from Member-At-Large Chris Schiff.

As announced at the meeting, Sarah Hunter has assumed the position of NEMLA’s web editor, taking over from Jennifer Olson. To help us document our meetings, Brendan Higgins has agreed to serve as videographer, and Erica Charis as photographer. Thank you to Jennifer for her many years of service to NEMLA and her tireless maintenance of our website, and to Sarah, Brendan, and Erica for their help.

If you’ve been looking for a way to become more active in NEMLA, this is your chance: nominations for Vice Chair/Chair Elect, Secretary/Treasurer, and Newsletter Editor are now open, and will be accepted through January 26th. Read on for more information, and please consider nominating yourself or an interested colleague! We’re also looking for members who’d like to work on NEMLA’s Oral History project; if you’re interested, keep your ear out for an informational gathering at our spring meeting.

Our next chapter meeting will be held on Friday, March 20, 2014 at Smith College in Northampton, MA. I’m sure you won’t be surprised to hear that our host, Marlene Wong, has an exciting program in the works: come prepared to listen, learn, and play! A meeting preview is found in this issue, and more details will be forthcoming in the new year. Those of you with a bit more time to spend in Northampton may want to plan for a visit to the Botanic Garden of Smith College; their spring bulb show will be occurring during our meeting: This century-old tradition looks like just the thing to ward of late-winter doldrums!

The NEMLA Board has proposed some revisions of the Bylaws to clarify officer responsibilities and correct a few minor details. They are included in this issue for your review and will be sent out again before the spring meeting. During the business meeting we’ll discuss the revisions and vote on the changes.

We’ll be holding our traditional dinner gathering at MLA annual meeting in Denver. We’ll most likely meet on Thursday, February 26th; stay tuned for further details. I hope to see many of you in Denver and Northampton. Best wishes for a happy new year!

Respectfully submitted,

Kerry Carwile Masteller, Chair
Reference and Digital Program Librarian
Eda Kuhn Loeb Music Library, Harvard University

Secretary/Treasurer’s Report

December 1, 2013 to December 2, 2014

Starting balance: $6,761.95
Deposits: $2,642.65
Debits: $2,562.70

● Meeting costs: $2,216.97

o Spring 2013 meeting: $827.00
o Autumn 2014 meeting : $1,389.97

● First Time Attendee Grants: $275.92
● Other expenditures (office supplies, postage, gifts, misc.): $69.81

Ending balance: $6,841.90

Our Spring meeting, held at Brown University on March 28, 2014, drew 47 attendees, including 2 students. There were 5 first-time registrants, 4 of whom applied for and received assistance from NEMLA’s First Time Attendee Travel Grant. The Fall meeting took place at the Boston Public Library on October 17, 2014 and was attended by 56 individuals, including 2 students. There were also 6 first-time attendees.

The Chapter’s expenditures since December 1, 2013 were as follows:

Debits            Memo
$34.83            Nametag refills
$60.00            Musician Honorarium, Spring Meeting 2014
$275.92         First Time Attendee Grants (4), Spring Meeting 2014
$767.00         Catering, Spring Meeting 2014
$46.73            Eventbrite fees for online registration, Fall Meeting 2014
$1,318.24     Catering, Fall Meeting 2014
$19.98            Bank service charges (request for old statements)
$25.00            Cash float, Fall Meeting 2014
$15.00            Gift for retiring member

Total Debits: $2,562.70

If you experienced shorter lines at the registration desk this fall, you can thank Eventbrite, the online registration management tool, which we used to offer advanced payment for registration fees. Based on its success, we plan to use Eventbrite for future meeting registrations, as well.

NEMLA also received a $1,000 chapter grant from MLA to purchase equipment for the Oral History project that was started to commemorate the 50th anniversary of NEMLA. The equipment will enable NEMLA to expand the project into an ongoing documentation of the chapter’s history and membership.
Please feel free to contact me if you would like to know your membership status, or if you have comments or suggestions on any other matter relating to the Chapter’s finances and records.

Best wishes,

Sarah Funke Donovan
Digital Project Archivist /
Part Time Library Assistant

Proposed By-Law Revisions

Music Library Association
New England Chapter Bylaws
Bylaws last amended October 6, 1979
Last revised March 28, 2014

Note: Proposed revisions in red (revisions formulated by the NEMLA Executive Board in Fall 2013). These changes will only be implemented if approved by a vote of the NEMLA membership following discussion at the Spring 2014 membership business meeting.

This organization shall be known as the New England Chapter of the Music Library Association.

The purpose of this Chapter shall be:

• To bring together for exchange of ideas and discussion of problems all persons in the region interested in music libraries and collections, and to stimulate professional activities among the members.
• To initiate and encourage studies aiming to improve the organization, administration, and contents of such libraries and collections.
• To endeavor to establish communication with libraries not affiliated with the Music Library Association to determine how the Chapter may be meaningful to the individual library.
• Outreach to public libraries and generalist librarians charged with music reference and collection development and music cataloging (detailed under Article VIII.A.)


• Membership in this Chapter shall be open to all members of the Music Library Association and persons and institutions interested in the activities and objectives of this chapter.
• Full membership is granted upon payment of annual dues to the Secretary/Treasurer.
• The membership year shall be from September 1 to August 31.
• Honorary membership will be extended to members who have received the Music Library Association Citation Award or have shown exceptional service at the chapter level.


• There shall be a Chair who shall preside at all meetings, appoint committees (see Article VIII for exception), and perform the duties customary to this office. The term of office shall be one year, after which the Chair shall succeed to the office of Past-Chair.
• There shall be a Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect who shall be responsible for programs and perform the duties of the Chair in the latter’s absence. The Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect shall also serve as an ex-officio member of the Education & Outreach Committee. The term of office shall be one year, after which the Vice-Chair shall succeed to the office of Chair.
• There shall be a Past-Chair who shall appoint and chair the Nominating Committee and perform other duties as necessary. The term of office shall be one year.
• There shall be a Secretary/Treasurer who shall record the minutes of all meetings and preserve all official records and reports of the Chapter; notify the members of all meetings at least two weeks in advance; keep an up-to-date membership list; conduct any correspondence of the Chapter as may be required; collect dues; make authorized expenditures; maintain Chapter accounts and report on status of these accounts at each board meeting; prepare an annual budget; and perform duties customary to this office. The term of office shall be two years.
• There shall be a Member-at-Large who shall act as liaison to relevant professional organizations in New England (such as the New England Library Association (NELA),the six state library associations, the New England chapter of ACRL (ACRL/NEC), and the New England chapter of the American Musicological Society) primarily to promote information exchange and outreach. The Member-at-Large shall also serve as Chair of the Education & Outreach Committee. The term of office shall be two years.
• The Board may appoint non-voting, special officers for a two year term of service renewable at the board’s discretion. Except when otherwise specified, special officers may serve no more than four consecutive years.
• A) All officers shall be members in good standing of the Chapter. B) The Chair and Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect shall be members of the national association.
• Terms of office shall commence immediately following the Spring meeting.
• No officer shall be eligible for more than two consecutive terms in the same office.


• Officers shall be elected by a plurality of the ballots cast. Ballots shall be distributed to members at least four weeks before the Spring business meeting. Ballots will be collected online and collated by the Secretary/Treasurer. A majority vote of the Executive Board shall break a tie.
• Should an elected or unelected office become vacant mid-term, the Chair, in combination with the Executive Board, will appoint a NEMLA member (preferably a current committee member or previous officer) to fill the position until the next election.


• There shall be a minimum of two meetings a year.
• There shall be a business meeting in the Spring of each year.
• Meetings shall be called by the Executive Board with at least two weeks’ notice.
• A quorum shall consist of a majority of members present at any meeting.
• The Executive Board shall determine appropriate honoraria for guest presenters at the meetings; NEMLA members do not receive honoraria for presenting.

There shall be an Executive Board consisting of the elected officers, the Past-Chair, the Archivist, and the Newsletter and Web site editors, and Web 2.0 Coordinator. Only the elected officers and Past-Chair are voting members of the Executive Board.


• The Standing Committees shall be the Nominating Committee, the Program Committee, the Instruction Committee, the Publications Committee, the Technical Services Committee, and the Education & Outreach Committee. Except when otherwise specified, committee chairs and members may serve no more than two consecutive terms. Service as a member does not preclude subsequent service as chair for two additional terms. Members may be reappointed after being off a committee for one year.

o A) Nominating Committee

• The Nominating Committee shall consist of at least three members, appointed and chaired by the Past-Chair, and shall present to the Executive Board a slate of candidates for office at least six weeks before the Spring business meeting.
• Members of this Committee may not serve for consecutive terms.
• All candidates for office shall be members in good standing of the Chapter and shall fulfill all other eligibility requirements as set forth in Article IV.

o B) The Program Committee shall be chaired by the Vice-Chair and shall plan the meetings of the chapter. The committee shall consist of three additional members who are appointed by the Chair on a rotating basis, each serving a two year (i.e., four-meeting) term. The composition of the committee must reflect the interests of both technical and public services for both public and academic library sectors.

o C) The Publications Committee shall be appointed by the Chair and shall oversee all publications activities, including the Chapter newsletter, directory, wiki, and Web sites.

o D) The Instruction Committee shall facilitate and promote the regional discussion of issues and standards related to information literacy in music librarianship, by:

• Serving as a networking tool to connect information literacy instructors, instruction designers, and instruction administrators at various institutions
• Hosting open discussions at NEMLA meetings, and assisting to enhance activities that touch upon information literacy issues which are provided by other NEMLA Committees.
• Assisting in the distribution of information, dissemination of guidelines, and sharing of individual resources (libguides, learning outcomes, webcasts, etc.) with/to interested institutions and individuals in New England, particularly to those individuals who are unable to attend national MLA meetings or are unaffiliated with NEMLA.
• Working with the NEMLA Program Committee to plan NEMLA sessions or programs.

o E) The Technical Services Committee shall facilitate and promote the regional discussion of issues and standards related to technical services in music librarianship, by:

• Serving as a conduit to connect those seeking technical services knowledge with appropriate local technical services experts.
• Hosting open discussions at NEMLA meetings, and assisting to enhance activities that touch upon technical services issues which are provided by other NEMLA Committees.
• Assisting in the dissemination of information and guidelines provided by the Music Library Association’s Bibliographic Control Committee to interested institutions and individuals in New England, particularly to those individuals who are unable to attend national MLA meetings or are unaffiliated with NEMLA.
• Working with the NEMLA Program Committee to plan NEMLA sessions or programs.

o F) The Education & Outreach Committee shall devise and coordinate activities related to professional and continuing education for music librarianship within the New England region, by:

• Working with the NEMLA Program Committee to plan NEMLA sessions or programs which generally deal with topics in greater depth or with a stronger emphasis on practicality than in the general sessions of the semi-annual meetings.
• Investigating, developing, and providing education initiatives to groups which fall outside of, but which are related to, NEMLA by presenting workshops on the basic precepts of music librarianship through the sponsorship of library schools or other regional library associations and councils. Target groups might include librarians and library staff working with music materials who are not members of NEMLA, and other groups not presently identified. The committee should determine how NEMLA’s mission can be promoted within the region through representation at regional library meetings (e.g. NELA, ACRL/NEC New England), career fairs (e.g. Simmons, Berklee College of Music), or state library association meetings in the regional meetings.
• Ensuring that NEMLA membership options are promoted at outreach events.
• The Education & Outreach Committee shall be chaired by the Member-at-Large. The Program Chair shall be ex-officio member of the committee. Additional committee members shall be appointed by the NEMLA Chair. Members should represent a broad spectrum of library professional staff from public, academic, and special libraries, from as many of the New England states as possible.

2. Other committees may be appointed by the Chair as deemed necessary.


• Definition: Roundtables are assemblies of members of the Chapter that convene at the Chapter’s semi-annual meetings to exchange ideas on topics not specifically addressed by the standing committees of the chapter. Each roundtable is led by a Coordinator appointed by the NEMLA Chair, in consultation with the Board. Coordinators shall be appointed for an initial term of two years, with the possibility of reappointment for no more than one succeeding term. Normally there are no other officers and no specified membership.
• Authorization: the NEMLA Chair may authorize the establishment of a roundtable for a term of four years after receiving letters of support from three members of the Chapter identifying a common area of concern. Renewal of the authorization for an additional four-year term requires two letters of support. The letters are due to the Chair by Aug. 31 of the year of expiration. Roundtable authorizations expire Dec. 31. A roundtable may be dissolved by the Chair if it appears that it no longer serves a need or that its work could be carried on more effectively by a committee of the Chapter. If a roundtable fails to have a minimum attendance of four participants for two consecutive years, that roundtable shall be retired.
• Activities: All roundtables hold two meetings a year convened by the Coordinator during the semi-annual meetings of the chapter. Roundtable meetings and other roundtable activities may be announced in the NEMLA newsletter and listed in the programs of the semi-annual meeting. Roundtables are encouraged to participate in developing programs for NEMLA meetings.

The rules contained in Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern this Chapter in all cases to which they are applicable.

In the event of the dissolution of the Chapter the records of its activities and its assets, if any, shall become the property of the national organization of the Music Library Association.

These By-Laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote according to the following procedures and conditions:

• Proposed amendments shall be submitted to the Executive Board for consideration at least eight weeks before the meeting of the Chapter at which it is requested that the proposal be presented.
• Upon approval by the Executive Board texts of the proposed amendments shall be distributed to Chapter members at least four weeks before presentation for discussion at the meeting.
• Ballots and texts as revised at the meeting shall be distributed to Chapter members in a timely manner, generally in the next issue of the chapter newsletter. Ballots will be collected online and collated by the Secretary/Treasurer.

photo by Zoe Rath

Fall Meeting 2014

NEMLA Fall Meeting 2014
Boston Public Library
700 Boylston Street, Boston, MA
Meeting Minutes

Friday, October 17, 2014

The New England Music Library Association had its fall meeting on an almost perfect fall day, October 17th, at a legendary institution: the Boston Public Library.

Festivities started the evening before with a small group sharing dinner and a tour of the Boston Symphony Orchestra Archives. The meeting proper got underway with chapter Chair Kerry Masteller’s tribute to our colleague Jean Morrow, who will soon retire from the New England Conservatory. Morrow’s many contributions to MLA, her publications on music librarianship, and her professorial career at Simmons College were all noted. Along with congratulatory flowers and a card, Morrow was given a lifetime chapter membership.

photo by Zoe Rath

Presentations began on a high note with Marci Cohen’s memorable and spirited talk on Iggy Pop and The Stooges. Cohen’s recent master’s thesis analyses The Stooges as a group whose recordings were revolutionary for their time but foundational for younger baby boomers. Although the group’s recording career started at the height of the rock era, The Stooges’ greatest influence was on the punks and garage bands formed by those born in the late ’50s and ’60s. Through her own interviews of Iggy Pop and research in other primary sources, Cohen effectively demonstrated the importance of The Stooges to bands that were either young boomers or old Gen Xers (“YBoxers” in her parlance).

Subsequent presentations were concerned with digital and archival concerns. Whetting our appetite for the MLA THATCamp post-conference (scheduled for March 1, 2015 in Denver), Anna Kijas of UConn, Kenny Whitebloom of the DPLA, and Harvard’s Marty Schreiner discussed what it takes to start a digital humanities program. The takeaways: planning is key, and the digital humanities are not solitary pursuits. Be prepared to negotiate and engage with faculty and colleagues both within and outside your institution.

The Berklee College of Music Archives is a case study in both physical and digital archival practice on a tight budget. Paul Engle and Sofia Becerra-Licha discussed how Berklee’s Archives utilized an NHPRC grant and has progressed from concept to production in two years. Of particular note are the oral histories and the Jazz in the Classroom Series (both posted in their virtual display) demonstrating that even a small institution can produce high-impact multimedia materials with open-source tools and workers not yet trained in archival practice.

photo by Jennifer Hunt
photo by Jennifer Hunt

The final presentation of the day returned attendees to the Boston Symphony Orchestra Archives. Bridget Carr and Sarah Funke Donovan demonstrated how the BSO Programs archive has evolved from weighty, intricately indexed bound volumes to an online system “Henry” that instantly satisfies the queries of scholars, concert attendees, and genealogists alike. The archive allows users to cross search composers, conductors, soloists, specific pieces, dates and venues. All in all, a remarkable example of user centered design.

The day ended with eye-popping tours in the music area of the Boston Public Library. NEMLA members were treated to everything from the magnificent Sargent Murals to the Walter Piston room (including an odd group of instruments that none of those present recalled form his orchestration book) to a behind the scenes tour of the closed stacks and gift ‘triage’ area. It is impossible to convey in words how overwhelming this excursion was. If you have you the opportunity for a tour of the BPL in the future, don’t miss it!

Respectfully submitted,

Christopher Schiff

Spring Meeting 2015 Preview

NEMLA Spring Meeting Preview
Smith College
Northampton, MA
Friday, March 20, 2015

Stu group 2014

Mark your calendars! The Spring 2015 NEMLA meeting will be held on Friday, March 20th at Smith College, Northampton, MA.

Smith College was founded at a time (1875) when there were practically no choices for women who wanted an education equal to that available to men. The idea of such a college was a radical notion in 1871, but its success has been dramatic and undeniable. And for more than 130 years, Smith has stayed true to its mission of providing women with the best education available in the liberal arts and sciences. Today, Smith is among the largest women’s colleges in the United States, with students from every state and 60 countries. An independent, nondenominational college, Smith remains strongly committed to the education of women at the undergraduate level, but admits both men and women as graduate students.

Spring preview:

For those who attended our Fall meeting you might remember I mentioned that the Spring meeting would feature a ukulele theme and special guests? I am excited to share with you a little about these guests which include Jim Beloff (ukulele writer/musician/publisher), Phyllis Webb (Magic Fluke Company (ukulele builder)), Stuart Fuchs (ukulele artist and master teacher) and our own Rob Bethel on cello.

Brief biographies:

Jim Beloff — Finding a ukulele at the Pasadena Rose Bowl Flea Market in 1992 inspired Liz & Jim Beloff to start Flea Market Music, Inc., publisher of the popular Jumpin’ Jim’s series of ukulele songbooks, including The Daily Ukulele, and The Daily Ukulele Leap Year Edition. He is also an active songwriter who has written songs and recorded with ukulele legends, Herb Ohta (Ohta-San) and Lyle Ritz. Jim is the author of The Ukulele—A Visual History (1997 Backbeat Books), producer of Legends of Ukulele, a CD compilation for Rhino Records, and has made three how-to-play DVDs for Homespun Tapes, The Joy of Uke #1and #2 and Jumpin’ Jim’s Ukulele Workshop. He has just released a two CD set of all new recordings of 33 songs, Dreams I Left in Pockets.

Phyllis Webb with her husband Dale Webb founded the Magic Fluke Co. at a time when very few affordable ukuleles were available, Dale, an engineer, designed a prototype which was exhibited at NAMM and the rest is history. The concert Fluke started shipping ukuleles in June of 1999 with three color options. Over the years, they have added dozens of new colors and designs. To date, they have built and shipped over 55,000 USA-made Flea, Fluke, and Firefly ukulele instruments. After eight years manufacturing in an old renovated gas station in New Hartford they moved in 2011 to a larger solar powered facility here in Sheffield Massachusetts, where they enjoy lively music and the arts vibe of the Berkshires and welcome visitors to their store and factory.

Stuart Fuchs is a renowned performer and teaching artist and had been called “a modern day pied piper”. His friendly, easy going and humorous stage presence and expertise on Guitar, Ukulele and Didjeridoo make his concerts a unique blend of virtuosity, heart, soul, and humor. He performs and teaches at Ukulele festivals across the USA and has earned an endorsement from Kala Ukuleles. As a guitarist, Stuart has performed internationally and appeared on radio & television. He has arranged and performed the music of jazz guitar legend Django Reinhardt for symphonic orchestras with his award winning acoustic gypsy jazz band “Babik”. Stuart was recently awarded a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts to continue his work as a musician bringing healing music to cancer patients, their families and hospital staff.

Many of you know Rob Bethel for his work at Yesterday Sheet Music but you may be less familiar with his work as a cellist?

Rob Bethel — Since receiving a Bachelor of Music in cello performance from Ohio State University in 1986, Robert Bethel has led an active and varied musical life, studying privately with William Conable, David Darling, Einar Holm, and in master classes with Margaret Rowell, Carter Brey, Mick Carrera, Myles Jordan, and David Clampitt. After returning to the Boston area, he has performed with the Lexington Sinfonietta and many other area orchestras. Recent recordings have included Forrest Larson’s Solitary Motion for solo cello and Jobe’s Riverrun for string quartet.

A big thanks to Marlene Wong (Head of Werner Josten Library, Smith) who has worked hard on organizing these morning sessions which are sure to be memorable.

The afternoon sessions promise to be equally engaging but more on this in our February newsletter, so stay tuned!

The Program Committee for the meeting includes Ilana Revkin, Laura Stokes and Anne Adams.
We all look forward to seeing you there!

Zoë Rath, Program Committee Chair
Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect, NEMLA
Stan Getz Library, Berklee College of Music

Call for Nominations

Serving as a NEMLA officer is a rewarding opportunity to serve your chapter, work with colleagues, and contribute to music librarianship, libraries and collections in New England. Currently, nominations are being sought for the following positions, with elections to be held in February:

*Vice Chair/Chair Elect (3-year term)
*Secretary/Treasurer (2-year term)
*Newsletter Editor (2-year term) (This is an appointed, rather than elected position.)


• Performs the duties of the Chair in the latter’s absence.
• Serves as Chair of the Program Committee.
• Also serves as an ex-officio member of the Education & Outreach Committee.
• The term of office shall be one year after which the Vice-Chair shall succeed to the office of Chair and then Past-Chair, meaning a commitment of three years.


• Maintains membership information.
• Handles the organization’s finances.
• Organizes registration for the semi-annual meetings.
• Serves as a board member and takes minutes for the board meetings.
• Serves on the Membership Committee.
• The term of office shall be two years.

Newsletter Editor:

• Publishes four newsletters each year.
• Serves as an ex-officio member of the Publications Committee.
• Maintains and post to social media sites, including NEMLA’s Facebook and Twitter accounts.
• Works with the Web Editor and other Board members to update NEMLA’s website.
• The editor should have access to word processing software. Experience with WordPress and basic HTML code would be helpful to the future incumbent, but not essential.

Members must be in good standing and current with their dues. Nominations are welcome through January 16, 2015.

If you would like to nominate a colleague for one of these positions (self-nominations are welcome) or if you have any questions, please contact the Nominating Committee members:

Jennifer Hunt, Chair, jhunt at bostonconservatory dot edu
Alan Karass, akarass at holycross dot edu
Christina Linklater, linklat at fas dot harvard dot edu
Maria Jane Loizou, mariajane dot loizou at necmusic dot edu

NEMLA Officers

Kerry Carwile Masteller
Reference and Digital Program Librarian
Loeb Music Library Music Building,
North Yard Harvard University
Cambridge, MA 02138
kmastell at fas.harvard dot edu
Phone: (617) 495-2794

Zoe Rath
Reference Librarian ILL Service
Stan Getz Library
Berklee College of Music
1140 Boylston Street
Boston, MA 02215
zrath at berklee dot edu
Phone: 617-747-8143

Past Chair:
Jennifer Hunt Library Director,
Albert Alphin Library
The Boston Conservatory
8 The Fenway
Boston, MA 02215
jhunt at bostonconservatory dot edu
Phone: (617) 912-9132
Fax: (857) 207-3132

Sarah Funke Donovan
Digital Project Archivist
Boston Symphony Orchestra
301 Massachusetts Avenue
Boston, MA 02115
sdonovan at bso dot org

Christopher Schiff
Ladd Library Research Services
Bates College
2 Andrews Road
Lewiston, ME 04240
Phone: (207) 786-6274

Newsletter Editor:
Erica Charis
Outreach Librarian
Stan Getz Library B
erklee College of Music
1140 Boylston Street
Boston, MA 02115
echaris at berklee dot edu
Phone: (617) 747-8465

NEMLA Archivist:
Sofia Becerra-Licha
Stan Getz Library
Berklee College of Music
1140 Boylston Street
Boston, MA 02115
sbecerralicha at berklee dot edu
Phone: (617)747-8001

Web Page Editor:
Jennifer Olson
Technical Services
Librarian Archives Allen Library
University of Hartford
200 Bloomfield Avenue
West Hartford, CT 06117
jolson at hartford dot edu
Phone: (860) 768-4625
Fax: (860) 768-5295

Publication Information

New England Quarter Notes is published quarterly in September, December, March/April and June/July.
Back issues may be accessed from

Address all correspondence concerning editorial matters to:
Erica Charis
echaris at berklee dot edu

Inquiries concerning subscription, membership and change of address should be directed to:
Sarah Funke Donovan
sdonovan at bso dot org

Membership year runs September to August.
Regular Personal Membership:$12.00
Student and Retired Membership:$6.00
Institutional Membership$16.00

Return to the New England Music Library Association home page.


Message from the Chair
Secretary/Treasurer’s Report
Fall Meeting Registration
Seeking Nominations
NEMLA Officers
Publication Information

photo by Rob Bulhman

Message from the Chair

Dear NEMLA Members,

While I no longer mark September with the ceremonious acquisition of a new box of crayons, I can’t deny that I’m still excited by the beginning of each new school year. I hope that you, too, feel ready to greet the fall, whether you’re teaching research methods to new students, replacing summer reading displays with back-to-school exhibits, or resuming your own studies.

Our fall meeting at the Boston Public Library is coming up on Friday, October 17, 2014. Zoe Rath, our Program Chair, and the rest of the Program Committee have organized a wonderful day of presentations and panels, on topics ranging from rock history, to evolving roles in librarianship, to the organization and digitization of archival collections (see below for the complete program). We’ll have time for committee meetings, as well as a chance to tour the BPL’s magnificent central library. And for those of you in town Thursday evening, don’t miss a chance to tour the Boston Symphony Orchestra Archives, followed by dinner with your NEMLA colleagues!

If you’re considering attending a NEMLA meeting for the first time, don’t forget that meeting registration is waived for first-time attendees, and that the chapter has grant funding available for first-time attendees, to cover lunch and travel expenses. If you know interested librarians, library staff, or students, I hope you’ll encourage them to apply for the grant and join us. On another subject, NEMLA needs you! We are searching for volunteers to fill a number of positions, including web editor, media specialist/photographer, and videographer. We’re also looking for members interested in being part of our oral history committee. These are all wonderful ways to be more involved in the chapter and to support the mission and future of music librarianship. Please do consider volunteering: NEMLA depends on our knowledge and skills. If you’re interested in one of these positions, or have questions, please contact Jennifer Hunt, at 617-912-9132 or jhunt at bostonconservatory dot edu.

I look forward to seeing you in Boston next month.

Respectfully submitted,

Kerry Carwile Masteller, Chair
Reference and Digital Program Librarian
Eda Kuhn Loeb Music Library, Harvard University

Secretary/Treasurer’s Report

Thank you to all those NEMLA members who have renewed their membership for the upcoming year. Your continued support of NEMLA is very much appreciated and ensures the chapter’s continued success!

Welcome also to any new members who have recently joined us. We hope you enjoy your first year with NEMLA and look forward to meeting you either virtually via Twitter, Facebook, or our Google Group mailing list; or in person at one of our upcoming meetings. NEMLA’s membership year runs from September 1st through August 31st. If you have not yet renewed, please provide your renewal details via the online membership form. Dues can be paid by check or PayPal on the main membership page.

Registration for the upcoming fall meeting in Boston, MA on Friday, October 17th is also now available online. Please register by October 10th to ensure your place. As with previous meetings, we will also be accepting onsite registrations. However, advanced registration is very much encouraged as this not only guarantees you a name tag for the meeting, but also helps us to ensure adequate refreshments are provided on the day. Also, please note that meeting fees have been increased slightly this year, but registering/paying in advance offers a slight discount from onsite payment. If you wish to pay onsite, however, we will be accepting all major credit / debit cards, checks, and cash.

If this is your first NEMLA meeting, in addition to registering, please be sure to apply for funding from our NEMLA First Time Attendees Program by October 10th, 2014. Please note that funding is regrettably not available for all first-time attendees, but we do strive to accommodate as many as we can on a first come, first served basis.

Best wishes for the new semester. See you in Boston!

Sarah Funke Donovan
Digital Project Archivist /
Part Time Library Assistant


photo by drocpsu
photo by drocpsu

Fall Meeting Registration

Our Fall 2014 meeting will take place at the Boston Public Library, Boston, MA, on Friday, October 17th, 2014.

Please register by Friday, October 10th. If you are attending a NEMLA meeting for the first time, we would like to welcome you by waiving the registration fee. However, please be sure to register by clicking on the link above. This ensures that we may prepare a nametag for you and arrange for adequate refreshments. Also, if this will be your first time at a NEMLA meeting, please see our information about the First Time Attendees Program and apply by Friday, October 10th, 2014. Please note that funding is regrettably not available for all first-time attendees, but we do strive to accommodate as many as we can on a first come, first served basis.

For more information about the program, travel and accommodations, and dining and parking options, please visit the NEMLA website.

Seeking Nominations

NEMLA needs you! Serving in a NEMLA position is a rewarding opportunity to serve your chapter, work with your colleagues, and contribute to music librarianship, libraries and collections in New England. Currently, nominations are being sought for the following NEMLA positions:

  • Web Editor
    Maintain NEMLA website
    Maintain NEMLA Google group
    Maintain NEMLA Board Google group
    Serves as an ex officio member on the NEMLA Board
  • Media Specialist/photographer
    Photograph/document NEMLA meetings
    Work with website editor, newsletter editor, NEMLA board, and programming committee to update website as needed
  • Videographer
    Videotape meetings; edit and post video to wiki
    Work with website editor, newsletter editor, NEMLA board, and programming committee to update website as needed

If you are interested in one of these positions, or if you have any questions, please contact me, Jennifer Hunt, at 617-912-9132 or jhunt at bostonconservatory dot edu. Nominations will be accepted through August 31.


NEMLA Officers

Kerry Carwile Masteller
Reference and Digital Program Librarian
Loeb Music Library Music Building,
North Yard Harvard University
Cambridge, MA 02138
kmastell at fas.harvard dot edu
Phone: (617) 495-2794

Zoe Rath
Reference Librarian ILL Service
Stan Getz Library
Berklee College of Music
1140 Boylston Street
Boston, MA 02215
zrath at berklee dot edu
Phone: 617-747-8143

Past Chair:
Jennifer Hunt Library Director,
Albert Alphin Library
The Boston Conservatory
8 The Fenway
Boston, MA 02215
jhunt at bostonconservatory dot edu
Phone: (617) 912-9132
Fax: (857) 207-3132

Sarah Funke Donovan
Digital Project Archivist
Boston Symphony Orchestra
301 Massachusetts Avenue
Boston, MA 02115
sdonovan at bso dot org

Christopher Schiff
Ladd Library Research Services
Bates College
2 Andrews Road
Lewiston, ME 04240
Phone: (207) 786-6274

Newsletter Editor:
Erica Charis
Outreach Librarian
Stan Getz Library B
erklee College of Music
1140 Boylston Street
Boston, MA 02115
echaris at berklee dot edu
Phone: (617) 747-8465

NEMLA Archivist:
Sofia Becerra-Licha
Stan Getz Library
Berklee College of Music
1140 Boylston Street
Boston, MA 02115
sbecerralicha at berklee dot edu
Phone: (617)747-8001

Web Page Editor:
Jennifer Olson
Technical Services
Librarian Archives Allen Library
University of Hartford
200 Bloomfield Avenue
West Hartford, CT 06117
jolson at hartford dot edu
Phone: (860) 768-4625
Fax: (860) 768-5295

Publication Information

New England Quarter Notes is published quarterly in September, December, March/April and June/July.
Back issues may be accessed from

Address all correspondence concerning editorial matters to:
Erica Charis
echaris at berklee dot edu

Inquiries concerning subscription, membership and change of address should be directed to:
Sarah Funke Donovan
sdonovan at bso dot org

Membership year runs September to August.
Regular Personal Membership:$12.00
Student and Retired Membership:$6.00
Institutional Membership$16.00

Return to the New England Music Library Association home page.

New England Quarter Notes: August 2014, no.182

Message from the Chair
Updated NEMLA Bylaws
Spring Meeting Minutes
Fall Meeting Preview
Seeking Nominations
Noteworthy News
NEMLA Officers
Publication Information

Lampost on Brown campus; photo by Zoe Rath
photo by Zoe Rath

Message from the Chair

Dear NEMLA members:

It is a pleasure to write my first newsletter column as the chair of NEMLA, and I have a lot of chapter news to share! I’d like to begin by thanking our outgoing Past Chair, Anna Kijas, for her many contributions to NEMLA during her time on the Board, and Jennifer Hunt, current Past Chair, for her able leadership during our 50th anniversary year. Many thanks are also due to Maria-Jane Loizou, Interim Member-at-Large, who took over the position from Sam Cook, and who has provided an excellent report on our spring meeting later in this issue. Our newly-elected officers are Zoe Rath, Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect, and Chris Schiff, Member-at-Large. Thanks and congratulations to all!

I’m sure everyone who attended our spring meeting at Brown University will join in my enthusiastic applause for all of our hosts at Brown, as well as our presenters and the members of the Program Committee: Laura Stokes, Maria Jane Loizou, and Ilana Revkin. Ned Quist’s band White Squall gave us a rollicking set to end the day, and it was perfectly timed, too: the first raindrops started to fall just as I left the reception.

We are very excited to debut our new website! The move to WordPress gives us more flexibility and better security; our web editor Jennifer Olson, with the help of Remi Castonguay, has been hard at work transferring content to the new platform. The site is still a work in progress, so look for more photos, news, and NEMLA information to be added in the days and weeks to come. We welcome your suggestions and feedback! Jennifer is stepping down as Web Editor after years of able service; I think the new website is a fitting legacy, and offer my thanks for everything she has done to make the transition smooth.

At its meeting in mid-July, the NEMLA Board discussed a number of chapter goals for the coming year:
First, we plan to convene an oral history committee to continue and expand the oral history project begun by Anna Kijas; we applied for and received a chapter grant from MLA to support our efforts. Our hope is that our oral histories will include a diverse sample of music and performing arts librarians: allowing us to document the history of the organization, our current membership, the variety of user communities we support, and our visions for the future of music librarianship. If you are interested in the project and would like to be part of the committee (or one of its interview subjects), please let Jennifer Hunt (jhunt at bostonconservatory dot edu) know.

MLA has asked all chapters to help achieve the following strategic goal:
Goal statement: Membership in MLA is valued by and beneficial to a broad range of organizations and individuals, and membership reflects the broad diversity of musics and populations we serve.
Objective 1: Increase outreach efforts to members from underrepresented groups.
Action: MLA establishes active outreach programs to library school programs, museums, performance librarians (not just orchestral), Schools and Departments of Music in universities, colleges, and community colleges.

At our spring business meeting, members brainstormed ways for NEMLA to contribute; a summary of their suggestions is posted online. The Board discussed these ideas, and agreed that we would begin by contacting organizations like MLA, the Music Library Students Group (MLSG), and ALA’s Office for Diversity to get further advice and best practices for long-term outreach. However, we will also begin by advertising our fall meeting more widely, encouraging presentations from public librarians about their programs and services, and piloting an initiative to pair first-time attendees with seasoned NEMLA members willing to serve as guides for the day, based on MLA’s First Time Conference Mentoring Program. Our efforts are still very new, and I invite you to look over the suggestions and provide feedback, as well.

Finally, we reviewed the roles of the Web Editor, Newsletter Editor, and Web 2.0 Coordinator. We decided that as the person responsible for most of our official communications, the Newsletter Editor should also take over responsibility for NEMLA’s social media accounts. Members of the Board have maintained our Twitter and Facebook accounts on a rotating schedule, but transferring control to one person will allow us to develop a more consistent voice. We’ve also split the duties of videography and meeting photography into multiple positions. Web developers and shutterbugs, this is your chance! Look for a call for volunteers later in the newsletter.

I’m looking forward to our fall meeting at the Boston Public Library on Friday, October 17th, 2014, and hope you are, too. Read on for more details about the meeting, and remember, it’s not too late to submit a presentation or program proposal!

I am looking forward to serving as NEMLA’s chair for the next year, and welcome your thoughts and suggestions for the chapter.

Respectfully submitted,

Kerry Carwile Masteller, Chair
Reference and Digital Program Librarian
Eda Kuhn Loeb Music Library, Harvard University

Updated NEMLA Bylaws

NEMLA, Spring 2014
Approved Bylaws Revisions
Music Library Association
New England Chapter Bylaws
Bylaws last amended October 6, 1979
Last revised March 28, 2014

Note:  These revisions were formulated at the NEMLA Executive Board meeting in July 2013. They were discussed, voted on, and approved by the NEMLA membership following the spring 2014 membership business meeting (for the text highlighting revisions see the December 2013 issue of Quarter Notes). We reproduce here in full the new bylaws text with changes incorporated.

This organization shall be known as the New England Chapter of the Music Library Association.

The purpose of this Chapter shall be:

  • To bring together for exchange of ideas and discussion of problems all persons in the region interested in music libraries and collections, and to stimulate professional activities among the members.
  • To initiate and encourage studies aiming to improve the organization, administration, and contents of such libraries and collections.
  • To endeavor to establish communication with libraries not affiliated with the Music Library Association to determine how the Chapter may be meaningful to the individual library.
  • Outreach to public libraries and generalist librarians charged with music reference and collection development and music cataloging (detailed under Article VIII.A.)


  • Membership in this Chapter shall be open to all members of the Music Library Association and persons and institutions interested in the activities and objectives of this chapter.
  • Full membership is granted upon payment of annual dues to the Secretary/Treasurer.
  • The membership year shall be from September 1 to August 31.
  • Honorary membership will be extended to members who have received the Music Library Association Citation Award or have shown exceptional service at the chapter level.


  • There shall be a Chair who shall preside at all meetings, appoint committees (see Article VIII for exception), and perform the duties customary to this office. The term of office shall be one year, after which the Chair shall succeed to the office of Past-Chair.
  • There shall be a Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect who shall be responsible for programs and perform the duties of the Chair in the latter’s absence. The Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect shall also serve as an ex-officio member of the Education & Outreach Committee. The term of office shall be one year, after which the Vice-Chair shall succeed to the office of Chair.
  • There shall be a Past-Chair who shall appoint and chair the Nominating Committee and perform other duties as necessary. The term of office shall be one year.
  • There shall be a Secretary/Treasurer who shall record the minutes of all meetings and preserve all official records and reports of the Chapter; notify the members of all meetings at least two weeks in advance; keep an up-to-date membership list; conduct any correspondence of the Chapter as may be required; collect dues; make authorized expenditures; maintain Chapter accounts and report on status of these accounts at each board meeting; prepare an annual budget; and perform duties customary to this office. The term of office shall be two years.
  • There shall be a Member-at-Large who shall act as liaison to relevant professional organizations in New England (such as the New England Library Association (NELA),the six state library associations, the New England chapter of ACRL (ACRL/NEC), and the New England chapter of the American Musicological Society) primarily to promote information exchange and outreach. The Member-at-Large shall also serve as Chair of the Education & Outreach Committee. The term of office shall be two years.
  • The Board may appoint non-voting, special officers for a two year term of service renewable at the board’s discretion.  Except when otherwise specified, special officers may serve no more than four consecutive years.
  •  A) All officers shall be members in good standing of the Chapter. B) The Chair and Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect shall be members of the national association.
  • Terms of office shall commence immediately following the Spring meeting.
  • No officer shall be eligible for more than two consecutive terms in the same office.


  • Officers shall be elected by a plurality of the ballots cast. Ballots shall be distributed to members at least four weeks before the Spring business meeting. Ballots will be collected online and collated by the Secretary/Treasurer. A majority vote of the Executive Board shall break a tie.
  • Should an elected office become vacant mid-term, the Chair, in combination with the Executive Board, will appoint a NEMLA member (preferably a previous officer) to fill the position until the next election.


  • There shall be a minimum of two meetings a year.
  • There shall be a business meeting in the Spring of each year.
  • Meetings shall be called by the Executive Board with at least two weeks’ notice.
  • A quorum shall consist of a majority of members present at any meeting.
  • The Executive Board shall determine appropriate honoraria for guest presenters at the meetings; NEMLA members do not receive honoraria for presenting.


There shall be an Executive Board consisting of the elected officers, the Past-Chair, the Newsletter and Web site editors, and Web 2.0 coordinator. Only the elected officers and Past-Chair are voting members of the Executive Board.


  • The Standing Committees shall be the Nominating Committee, the Program Committee, the Instruction Committee, the Publications Committee, the Technical Services Committee, and the Education & Outreach Committee. Except when otherwise specified, committee chairs and members may serve no more than two consecutive terms. Service as a member does not preclude subsequent service as chair for two additional terms. Members may be reappointed after being off a committee for one year.
    • A) Nominating Committee
      • The Nominating Committee shall consist of at least three members, appointed and chaired by the Past-Chair, and shall present to the Executive Board a slate of candidates for office at least six weeks before the Spring business meeting.
      • Members of this Committee may not serve for consecutive terms.
      • All candidates for office shall be members in good standing of the Chapter and shall fulfill all other eligibility requirements as set forth in Article IV.
    • B) The Program Committee shall be chaired by the Vice-Chair and shall plan the meetings of the chapter. The committee shall consist of three additional members who are appointed by the Chair on a rotating basis, each serving a two year (i.e., four-meeting) term. The composition of the committee must reflect the interests of both technical and public services for both public and academic library sectors.
    • C) The Publications Committee shall be appointed by the Chair and shall oversee all publications activities, including the Chapter newsletter, directory, wiki, and Web site.
    •  D) The Instruction Committee shall facilitate and promote the regional discussion of issues and standards related to information literacy in music librarianship, by:
      • Serving as a networking tool to connect information literacy instructors, instruction designers, and instruction administrators at various institutions
      • Hosting open discussions at NEMLA meetings, and assisting to enhance activities that touch upon information literacy issues which are provided by other NEMLA Committees.
      • Assisting in the distribution of information, dissemination of guidelines, and sharing of individual resources (libguides, learning outcomes, webcasts, etc.) with/to interested institutions and individuals in New England, particularly to those individuals who are unable to attend national MLA meetings or are unaffiliated with NEMLA.
      • Working with the NEMLA Program Committee to plan NEMLA sessions or programs.
    • E) The Technical Services Committee shall facilitate and promote the regional discussion of issues and standards related to technical services in music librarianship, by:
      • Serving as a conduit to connect those seeking technical services knowledge with appropriate local technical services experts.
      • Hosting open discussions at NEMLA meetings, and assisting to enhance activities that touch upon technical services issues which are provided by other NEMLA Committees.
      • Assisting in the dissemination of information and guidelines provided by the Music Library Association’s Bibliographic Control Committee to interested institutions and individuals in New England, particularly to those individuals who are unable to attend national MLA meetings or are unaffiliated with NEMLA.
      • Working with the NEMLA Program Committee to plan NEMLA sessions or programs.
    • F) The Education & Outreach Committee shall devise and coordinate activities related to professional and continuing education for music librarianship within the New England region, by:
      • Working with the NEMLA Program Committee to plan NEMLA sessions or programs which generally deal with topics in greater depth or with a stronger emphasis on practicality than in the general sessions of the semi-annual meetings.
      • Investigating, developing, and providing education initiatives to groups which fall outside of, but which are related to, NEMLA by presenting workshops on the basic precepts of music librarianship through the sponsorship of library schools or other regional library associations and councils. Target groups might include librarians and library staff working with music materials who are not members of NEMLA, and other groups not presently identified. The committee should determine how NEMLA’s mission can be promoted within the region through representation at regional library meetings (e.g. NELA, ACRL/NEC New England), career fairs (e.g. Simmons, Berklee College of Music), or state library association meetings in the regional meetings.
      • Ensuring that NEMLA membership options are promoted at outreach events.
      • The Education & Outreach Committee shall be chaired by the Member-at-Large. The Program Chair shall be ex-officio member of the committee. Additional committee members shall be appointed by the NEMLA Chair. Members should represent a broad spectrum of library professional staff from public, academic, and special libraries, from as many of the New England states as possible.

2. Other committees may be appointed by the Chair as deemed necessary.


  • Definition: Roundtables are assemblies of members of the Chapter that convene at the Chapter’s semi-annual meetings to exchange ideas on topics not specifically addressed by the standing committees of the chapter. Each roundtable is led by a Coordinator appointed by the NEMLA Chair, in consultation with the Board. Coordinators shall be appointed for an initial term of two years, with the possibility of reappointment for no more than one succeeding term. Normally there are no other officers and no specified membership.
  • Authorization: the NEMLA Chair may authorize the establishment of a roundtable for a term of four years after receiving letters of support from three members of the Chapter identifying a common area of concern. Renewal of the authorization for an additional four-year term requires two letters of support. The letters are due to the Chair by Aug. 31 of the year of expiration. Roundtable authorizations expire Dec. 31. A roundtable may be dissolved by the Chair if it appears that it no longer serves a need or that its work could be carried on more effectively by a committee of the Chapter. If a roundtable fails to have a minimum attendance of four participants for two consecutive years, that roundtable shall be retired.
  • Activities: All roundtables hold two meetings a year convened by the Coordinator during the semi-annual meetings of the chapter. Roundtable meetings and other roundtable activities may be announced in the NEMLA newsletter and listed in the programs of the semi-annual meeting. Roundtables are encouraged to participate in developing programs for NEMLA meetings.


The rules contained in Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern this Chapter in all cases to which they are applicable.


In the event of the dissolution of the Chapter the records of its activities and its assets, if any, shall become the property of the national organization of the Music Library Association.


These By-Laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote according to the following procedures and conditions:

  • Proposed amendments shall be submitted to the Executive Board for consideration at least eight weeks before the meeting of the Chapter at which it is requested that the proposal be presented.
  • Upon approval by the Executive Board texts of the proposed amendments shall be distributed to Chapter members at least four weeks before presentation for discussion at the meeting.
  • Ballots and texts as revised at the meeting shall be distributed to Chapter members in a timely manner, generally in the next issue of the chapter newsletter.  Ballots will be collected online and collated by the Secretary/Treasurer.


Ned Quist in front of NEMLA screen
Photo by Zoe Rath

Spring Meeting Minutes

The spring meeting of the New England Music Library Association (NEMLA) was held on Friday, March 28 at the Center for Digital Scholarship, Rockefeller Library, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island. The state-of-the-art space was filled to capacity with current and new NEMLA members. Jennifer Hunt opened the meeting by thanking Laura Stokes, Performing Arts Librarian at Brown University, NEMLA Program committee members and the many staff members from Brown for organizing the meeting. Following this, Jennifer turned the meeting over to Kerry Masteller. Kerry introduced Laura Stokes, who gave a warm welcome to participants and gave particulars about logistics. Ned Quist, Associate University Librarian for Research and Outreach Services and current member of NEMLA gave the opening remarks. He spoke to the current renovations and mission changes at Brown, noting that the “library is the intellectual hub of the University. We have changed from being a warehouse for books to a place where things are happening.”

After the greetings and announcements, Kerry introduced Jean Bauer, Digital Humanities Librarian, Brown University and Elli Mylonas, Senior Digital Humanities Librarian, Brown University to talk about OMEKA: Online Exhibits for Music Librarians. The Center for Digital Scholarship was an ideal space to accompany their talk, featuring 12 screens, 1 digital switcher, and over 12 HDMI plates. OMEKA is a content management system which allows the user to create an OMEKA site. These sites can integrate video and audio files, pdfs and urls, and are especially useful for small organizations without digital staff. After the morning session, library tours of the Orwig Music Library were offered by the music library staff, followed by lunch (off-site).

Alec McLane presenting at NEMLA
photo by Zoe Rath

The spring meeting resumed after lunch with a short business meeting. Changes in the By-Laws were read through and accepted. Four new members attended. The results of the last election were announced. Chris Schiff is the new Member-at-Large, and Zoe Rath is the new Vice-Chair. We will need a new Web 2.0 coordinator, to replace Zoe. Erica Charis continues as the Newsletter Editor, as does Sarah Funke Donovan, Secretary-Treasurer, Sofia Becerra-Licha, Archivist, and Jennifer Olson, Webmaster. There are openings in the following committees: Nominating, Technical Services, Publications, Education and Outreach, and Program. There is also a possibility of forming an Oral History Committee. Sarah gave the Secretary-Treasurer’s Report. We have a surplus largely because of the unexpected generosity of the Boston Athenaeum, the host of our Fall 2013 meeting. We have 73 members in good standing. NEMLA has been asked by MLA to help with the MLA Strategic Plan as a chapter. In particular, they would like to increase membership from under-represented groups by establishing outreach programs to public libraries, museums, performance librarians, undergraduate and graduate musicology and library science students. Sofia made an announcement that the NEMLA archives are looking for a new home. They are approximately 15 linear feet. At the conclusion of the business meeting, the gavel passed from Jennifer Hunt to Kerry Masteller.

The afternoon session featured two fascinating presentations. Remi Castonguay, Public Services Project Librarian, Gilmore Music Library, Yale University and Francesca Livermore, Arts-Area Digital Librarian, Haas Family Arts Library, Yale University spoke on Preserving Unique Films in the Benny Goodman Collection, and Alec McLane, Music Librarian and Director of the World Music Archives, Wesleyan University spoke on The Music Never Stopped: The Grateful Dead at Wesleyan. More information,  presentation content and video recordings of the presentations can be found on the new NEMLA website’s Virtual Archive page. Following the final presentation, a closing reception was given at the Ann Marie Brown Mausoleum with splendid music provided by White Squall, featuring our own Ned Quist, his wife Alice Pace and fiddler Andy Grover.

Respectfully submitted,
Maria Jane Loizou
Collection Management and Resource Sharing Librarian
New England Conservatory of Music

Past Member-at-Large, NEMLA

Musicians performing at NEMLA reception
photo by Zoe Rath

Fall Meeting Preview

Boston Public Library; photo by Zoe Rath
photo by Zoe Rath

Boston Public Library
Boston, MA

Friday, October 17th, 2014

Save the date—the fall 2014 NEMLA meeting will be held on Friday, October 17th at the Boston Public Library, Boston, Ma, in the Commonwealth Salon of the main library branch.

Established in 1848, by an act of the Great and General Court of Massachusetts, the Boston Public Library (BPL) was the first large free municipal library in the United States. Within its collection of 23 million items, the library boasts a wealth of rare books and manuscripts, maps, musical scores and prints.

The Central Library, which will host our meeting, includes the famous Sargent Gallery, with spectacular murals painted by John Singer Sargent. Also be sure to see the courtyard of the Central Library, which includes beautiful columns and a water fountain.  Boston Public Library is itself a cultural masterpiece.

NEMLA participants will have the chance to tour the buildings on the day of the meeting. You will have a chance to sign up for a tour shortly.

Many of you are familiar with the many attractions of Boston. Instead of listing them here, I will point you to a very comprehensive list.

We encourage our members to join us on Thursday before the meeting for the members’ dinner, and this fall we have the added bonus of including a tour of the Boston Symphony Orchestra archives before dinner. Stay tuned: more details about this BSO tour and dinner details will be sent through NEMLA-L.

A big change this year is the board’s decision to increase the price of meeting registration slightly. The board is still committed to keeping meetings affordable for everyone, but also felt the need to adjust costs commensurate with inflation. The price increase also enables the board to allow pre-prepayment through Eventbrite, a service that will enable us to provide a more convenient registration process for our members.

Our special thanks goes to Boston Public Library staff, and especially to Emily Tokarczyk, Robert Cunningham, and Charlotte Kolczynski for help with local arrangements and hosting this meeting. The Program Committee for the meeting includes Laura Stokes, Anne Adams and Ilana Revkin. Travel information, program details, and logistics will follow. We all look forward to seeing you in Boston!

Seeking Nominations

NEMLA needs you! Serving in a NEMLA position is a rewarding opportunity to serve your chapter, work with your colleagues, and contribute to music librarianship, libraries and collections in New England. Currently, nominations are being sought for the following NEMLA positions:

  • Web Editor
    Maintain NEMLA website
    Maintain NEMLA Google group
    Maintain NEMLA Board Google group
    Serves as an ex officio member on the NEMLA Board
  • Media Specialist/photographer
    Photograph/document NEMLA meetings
    Work with website editor, newsletter editor, NEMLA board, and programming committee to update website as needed
  • Videographer
    Videotape meetings; edit and post video to wiki
    Work with website editor, newsletter editor, NEMLA board, and programming committee to update website as needed

If you are interested in one of these positions, or if you have any questions, please contact me, Jennifer Hunt, at 617-912-9132 or jhunt at bostonconservatory dot edu. Nominations will be accepted through August 31.

Noteworthy News

“RDA and Public Services” posted to NEMLA Wiki
Members of NEMLA’s Technical Services Committee have summarized and augmented information from a session presented at MLA in March, with the aim of demystifying RDA for non-catalogers, and discussing changes in OPAC displays that result from RDA cataloging rules.  The summary is available on NEMLA’s wiki, under “Useful Links and Documents,” as RDA and Public Services.  (There is a beautifully formatted version on the wiki, which is currently unavailable, but the basic content has been reproduced at the link above. )

Maria Jane Loizou in Russia

Maria Jane Loizou travelled to Russia in May with the Boston-based non-profit group, Educational Bridge. While there she met with music librarians from the St. Petersburg State Conservatory, and gave a talk on “The Libraries at the New England Conservatory of Music: Preserving Tradition and Looking to the Future” at the St. Petersburg Association of International Collaboration and the Izmailovsky Library and British Learning Centre of St. Petersburg. In Moscow, she met with the music librarians at the Moscow State University for Culture and the Arts, and gave a master class and a lecture, “The Remarkable Connee Boswell” to students in the Jazz and Popular Music department.

Gary Haggerty and Jean Morrow
photo by Zoe Rath

On Friday, July 11, BAML members and Berklee staff gathered to toast Gary Haggerty on his retirement from Berklee after 36 years. Michael Rogan hosted the celebration at his roof top deck and condo.


Pat FiskenIn June, Pat Fisken was recognized for 40 years of service in the Dartmouth College Libraries, starting as a cataloger in 1973 (AACR1!), then in Special Collections, and then as Music Librarian at Paddock Music Library.

Duo Yumeno (koto and cello)

Martin Schreiner’s composition Water Music was performed by the Duo Yumeno (koto and cello) for their concert tour of Japan this June and July.  Performances included Music Fest Nara 2014 as well as concerts in Kyoto, Tokyo and Sakado.

NEMLA Officers

Kerry Carwile Masteller
Reference and Digital Program Librarian
Loeb Music Library Music Building,
North Yard Harvard University
Cambridge, MA 02138
kmastell at fas.harvard dot edu
Phone: (617) 495-2794

Zoe Rath
Reference Librarian ILL Service
Stan Getz Library
Berklee College of Music
1140 Boylston Street
Boston, MA 02215
zrath at berklee dot edu
Phone: 617-747-8143

Past Chair:
Jennifer Hunt Library Director,
Albert Alphin Library
The Boston Conservatory
8 The Fenway
Boston, MA 02215
jhunt at bostonconservatory dot edu
Phone: (617) 912-9132
Fax: (857) 207-3132

Sarah Funke Donovan
Digital Project Archivist
Boston Symphony Orchestra
301 Massachusetts Avenue
Boston, MA 02115
sdonovan at bso dot org

Christopher Schiff
Ladd Library Research Services
Bates College
2 Andrews Road
Lewiston, ME 04240
Phone: (207) 786-6274

Newsletter Editor:
Erica Charis
Outreach Librarian
Stan Getz Library B
erklee College of Music
1140 Boylston Street
Boston, MA 02115
echaris at berklee dot edu
Phone: (617) 747-8465

NEMLA Archivist:
Sofia Becerra-Licha
Stan Getz Library
Berklee College of Music
1140 Boylston Street
Boston, MA 02115
sbecerralicha at berklee dot edu
Phone: (617)747-8001

Web Page Editor:
Jennifer Olson
Technical Services
Librarian Archives Allen Library
University of Hartford
200 Bloomfield Avenue
West Hartford, CT 06117
jolson at hartford dot edu
Phone: (860) 768-4625
Fax: (860) 768-5295

Publication Information

New England Quarter Notes is published quarterly in September, December, March/April and June/July.
Back issues may be accessed from

Address all correspondence concerning editorial matters to:
Erica Charis
echaris at berklee dot edu

Inquiries concerning subscription, membership and change of address should be directed to:
Sarah Funke Donovan
sdonovan at bso dot org

Membership year runs September to August.
Regular Personal Membership:$12.00
Student and Retired Membership:$6.00
Institutional Membership$16.00

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